I was involved in the Original Bitcoin Town Attempt, which can be seen in this Thread. It was largely taken over by Trolls who attacked the idea as "Centralized" and FinShaggy was Banned from the Forums. So the Bitcoin Town Project was Killed by Trolls. I am not sure if the BlueSeed Project even did anything but they were going to Launch Ocean Housing. This is the Bitcoin Town Thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/bitcoin-town-lets-make-the-future-come-to-us-216139This Blog Post gets into Details about what Happened, so I don't have to reiterate it all in this Thread, You can just Read it here:
https://steemit.com/hive-142886/@punicwax/crypto-anti-trust-intro-the-bitcoin-town-series-of-eventsThere was a Blog Written about it in India also:
https://blog.ipleaders.in/first-case-blockchain-antitrust-gallagher-v-bitcointalk-org/I just wanted to get into some Things about the Concept of a Bitcoin Town, because if this were going to Happen it would be Different now.
1. There would be Altcoins-
Altcoins would end up being Very Important to any Bitcoin Town. The Town would want to have a Currency in Every Market, and Bitcoins. They would want to get into Creating their Own Currencies.
2. Mining would be Solar-
Solar Mining has always been important to this, it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT PARTS of a Bitcoin Town, that is why the Original was looking at New Mexico, and we are Currently doing Things in Dallas, TX, but have not Started Solar Mining yet. But for any Town to be a Cryptocurrency Town, it would have to Implement Solar Power, for the Purpose of Mining. Free Mining, that is the Result. No Electricity Costs. So this means Any Cryptocurrency Town needs to Focus on Solar Power, and the Concept of Alternators, Alternators use Small amounts of Energy to Generate more Energy, and this is how the Electric Grid already Functions is with Giant Alternators. That's what the Grid is. And Texas has ERCOT or, "The Energy Reliability Council of Texas" and that includes Texas and New Mexico, so that might be the Grid You would want to work with if the Town becomes a Power Plant (Selling Electricity).
3. There would be Immigration-
There would be O-Visas Received for Cryptocurrency Talent, and People would be Immigrated into the Towns. This could also involve Other Industries, and an R-Visa involves Ministers who are Part of a Religious Organization for 2 Years or more. This way the Altcoins and Smart Contracts and Everything would have kind of a Growing Industry in the Town. The Town would become a Cryptocurrency Hub.
4. There would be Food made-
Making Food, and kind of the Whole "Homesteading" Culture, would be important. We could go so far as to say Cottage-Core like some of Taylor Swift's Videos would be the Examples of Cottage-Core. But Homesteading, making Houses of Adobe and Cobb even, and having Shipping Containers come in, maybe Full of Materials, and then itself Sold as Part of a House, Possibly a Mining Room or whatever with kind of a Small Mining Farm, and Solar Panels all over it. Earthships, that is the Housing made from Tires and Cement, which uses the Sun for Heat with a Big Glass side on the Sunrise side. And then Food, You would want to have Gardens at the Very Least, if not Things like Hemp Investors with 100 Acres being Part of it and a bunch of these People Working for the Farm. It could be Corn, or anything, there could be Chilipeppers Bred and Grown, and I would say that Breeding would be an Important Part of a Cryptocurrecy Town. You don't just want to Stick with the Best Known, but that is a Good Start, we would want to do Things like Invent the Next Carolina Reaper, or Ghost Pepper, we would want to invent the Next One. Or Hemp Strains to Grow, etc. This all then to be used in Production of Foods and Medicines and Things.
5. There would need to be a Big River, or a Highway, or a RailRoad, etc.-
There needs to be some Center of Trade for Everyone, a Place where Everyone can see the Town as they Pass, or where Things can be Bought and Sold in Large Quantities on Boats and Trucks. An Airport would be something to Work on.
6. Well Digging Equipment-
You want to have a Well Digger, maybe like a Steam Roller and these kinds of Things.
7. You would Start with a Dedicated Group-
You would not Advertise this as more like a Commune to Start, and the People that are involved Early will be the Community, and from there Everyone else would be brought in. These First People would Decide what the Attractions would be for the People that come to the Town, and we got into some of the Politics in the Beginning. What it would be is First there would be a Temple, or a Lodge, a Benefits Society, where we use a White Board, and we are like the Neighborhood Watch having Meetings, but we are the Only People in the Neighborhood. Then the Temple or Lodge, or Church or Mosque, whatever is at the Center of whichever Town, that would be what Everyone is a Member of, You wouldn't have anyone there at First that is not a Member of the Temple, Lodge, Church or Mosque. Then once it was Established, People would be kind of Building Extra Houses on Land they Bought and Selling it to New People.
With 6 Acres I think it is, You can Hold an Election and if all of the Old Residents of the County Agree 51%, then You can Leave their County and Start a New County. This would involve then Talking to Congress and Everything, the Small Business Administration Ombudsman, and Loans Offices, You would want to be Talking to all the Federal Agencies in some way. And then Start a whole New County.
There is more to the Whole Thing than this, but this and the Links are Enough to Start this Discussion. And also the Homesteading goes with SeaSteading, or the Ocean Housing, so this Discussion also gets into Islands, and Cruise Ships, 3D Printing, etc.