
Topic: Bitcoin Trading System (Read 115 times)

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January 05, 2018, 06:37:22 AM
Bitcoin Trading System

Limited time only 45 USD Real Price 299 USD



Its Fully Responsive & Dynamic Bitcoin Investment Platform Made with Laravel Framework. Now Its Easy to Create your own Bitcoin / Crypto Currency / Currency Investment Platform. Its Just a Matter of five minutes to start your own Investment website. Happy Trading….
User Features:

⚐ Informative USER Panel. ⚐ Total Deposite History. ⚐ Total Earning History. ⚐ Total Profit History. ⚐ A to Z Activity Logs. ⚐ Fully Responsive Design. ⚐ User Friendly – Easy to Use System. ⚐ Easy To contact. ⚐ Easy Signup & Signin. ⚐ Support Perfect Money. ⚐ Support PayPal. ⚐ Support Master Card (Stripe). ⚐ Support Bitcoin. ⚐ SEO Friendly URL. ⚐ High Secure User Dashboard. ⚐ ANTI-FRAUD Registration System. ⚐ Automated Add Fund System. ⚐ Add Fund Via Bank. ⚐ A to Z Fund Add Report. ⚐ Manage Investment. ⚐ Investment History. ⚐ Profit History. ⚐ Manage Withdraw. ⚐ Reference Income Facility. ⚐ Support Ticket System. ⚐ Unique Templates. ⚐ Top Investor List. ⚐ Reference Income Facility. ⚐ Lastest Deposite List. ⚐ Lastest Withdraw List. ⚐ Investor Testimonial. ⚐ And More…
Admin Features:

⚐ Total USER Management. ⚐ Block / Unblock Facility. ⚐ Payment Method Management. ⚐ A to Z Dynamic Admin Panel. ⚐ 100% Secure Login. ⚐ Investment Plan Management. ⚐ WithDraw Method Management. ⚐ Activity Logs Management. ⚐ Total Withdraw History. ⚐ General Setup. ⚐ Promo Management. ⚐ Testimonial Management. ⚐ Menu Management. ⚐ Slider Management. ⚐ Web-Page & Content Management. ⚐ A to Z Deposite History. ⚐ Total Profit History. ⚐ Bank Account Management. ⚐ Unlimited Bank Account. ⚐ News Category Management. ⚐ News Management. ⚐ NewsLetter Management. ⚐ Investment compound management. ⚐ Full Website SETUP. ⚐ Manage Testimonial. ⚐ Manage SITE Color. ⚐ And More….....
Cron Job Setting:

You need to set cron job to generate user profit automatically. Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/cron Cron Time: Time Depends on your Plans, but Once per every 5 minute is good enough.


⚐ Bitcoin. ⚐ Litecoin. ⚐ Ethereum. ⚐ Dogecoin. ⚐ Dash. ⚐ Namecoin. ⚐ Zcash. ⚐ And Others.
Templates Color:

⚐ Red ⚐ Orange ⚐ Yellow ⚐ Green ⚐ Cyan ⚐ Blue ⚐ Indigo ⚐ Violet ⚐ Alizarin ⚐ Amaranth ⚐ Amber ⚐ Amethyst ⚐ Apricot ⚐ Bronze ⚐ Brown ⚐ Buff ⚐ Burgundy ⚐ Falu red ⚐ Fern green ⚐ Firebrick ⚐ chiffon ⚐ Lilac ⚐ Lime ⚐ Lime green ⚐ Camouflage Green ⚐ Caput Mortuum ⚐ Cardinal ⚐ And Others 97….

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