I sent more than 30 days ago bitcoins to a person’s wallet (I know and trust him) as payment for service
His wallet account number is : 32Mf73ygAXtprbsPWo2cte8QRfxGCYziTo and it is correct
From my wallet, the transaction was confirmed and debited the coins I sent, this is the transaction ID 7105ca4a1aef228d8deb0710db26aeb517e4ef88920c25271abc28eba74b0356.
For whatever reasons, the receiving wallet shows the transaction as UNCONFIRMED and it is still in that status. after escalating the issue His wallet administrator UNOCOIN claims that the coins never reached their servers. Despite that the block chain shows other wise.
Question: can It be possible that blockchain shows one thing and the wallet administrator does not see it? Is there a possibility that the coins are stuck somewhere? How can I confirm this and fix it?
It's weird that your friend has deposited a few other transactions to the same wallet address, after the 0.06 BTC did not go through. So clearly, the deposit address must have been working for him to continue to deposit.
Unocoin is an exchange, not a wallet. So payments are processed by them. It'll be easy for your friend to screenshot his deposit address and then give them the txid on which the bitcoins were deposited to his account and everyone can see that there is enough confirmations for it to be deposited into his account. I doubt Unocoin is that dumb/ignorant towards such a case which they would handle all the time.
I sincerely hope this is not the case, but the person you're talking about here may be lying. I could be completely off with this prediction, but this seems like an attempt to scam rather than anything Unocoin based since it's already been 30 days.