Dear all, Ive sold some domains and the buyer paid by Bitcoin in 2 transactions. I transfered domains, but BTC transactions are pending now for 5+ days, he seems is not doing anything to fix that, because he was cheap and sent a 1000 and 1500 satoshis fee. He said the Bitpay said that they couldnt do anything and it will confirm in a few days. My transactions went from 10K+ in a line to 100K+ in a line today, so I think this will never confirm. Ive read somewhere, the unconfirmed transactions can be reversed or resent by paying extra fee. If not will they be dropped from the pool in 21 days?
thank you for all your answers in advance,
ps: here is link to the 2 transactions : are two pending transactions in your address. Both of them add some bitcoin to your wallet, about 190 USD and 330 USD.
You can see your transactions here: payer used a low fee, which is 7 sat/vbyte.
The mempool is not a exactly a line. If someone send now a 8sat/vbyte transaction, it will get confirmed earlier than yours. Miners put whatever pays more first.
If you can, just wait. it willl get confirmed eventually. Don't worry, and it may take a few more days to get confirmed.
You are right and they can be reversed using a higher fee.
They both have RBF disabled, so you cannot "bump" them.
But you can spend those coins, paying a much higher fee for both transactions, in a process called Child Pays for Parent (CPFP).
This is how to do it in Electrum
Create a “Child Pays for Parent” transaction. A CPFP is a new transaction that pays a high fee in order to compensate for the small fee of its parent transaction. It can be done by the recipient of the funds, or by the sender, if the transaction has a change output. To create a CPFP transaction right click on the unconfirmed transaction on the history tab and choose “Child pays for parent”. Set an appropriate fee and click on “OK”. A window will popup with the unsigned transaction. Click on “Sign” and then “Broadcast”.