hi, new to bitcoin, just downloaded bitcoinxt wallet, looks straightforward enough, im just looking for someone who could walk me through the ins and outs of it. ill list all the options
under File
open uri (do i need to know about this)
back up wallet (i presume this stores your bitcoins in case of computer crash, if so, i should do this every time a recieve funds or make a payment, right?)
sign message?/
verify message??
sending addresses
recieving addresses?
encrypt wallet (is this something i only do once?)
change passphrase (is this for when my wallets encrypted?)
thats all there seems to be. although, i downloaded this to my desktop, it didnt ask for email addresses or login info, so no1, how do i keep it secure? and 2 how do i send bitcoins to my wallet if there are no login details like email address or username?
ok, i'll make it easy.
Need to know:
Back up. Do that first. Save the file to a thumb drive. Stick the thumb drive in a safe.
If you ever need to back up, install BitcoinQT, Core or XT and replace /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/wallet.dat with that file. (Ok this is the directory for mac. PC or Linux will be different.)
You only ever need to back up once, not every transaction. Just be sure to keep the back up safe.
Encrypt - yep, do that. Don't forget the password. Baaad if you forget it. Best thing to do is make a readme file on that backup thumb drive and write the password down on that readme.
To receive:
Click Receive and click Request Payment. A QR code pops up. Copy that, that's your receiving address.
To send:
Click send, Enter the correct address to send to, enter amount, double check the amount, triple check the amount, hit send. Enter password. Done.
All the other stuff you can learn as you go along.
Sign message is to write a message with a bitcoin signature, so people know it is you who wrote that message.
Verify is to verify someone's signed message, that they really signed it.
open URI - when you need to know about this, it's there.
No email address. No user name.
One last word: Your bitcoin will be ON THIS COMPUTER. Actually they are on the .dat file to be exact. So treat the computer accordingly. Don't download malware. Don't leave the computer running with no password. Don't let this freak you out, it's good that you have your bitcoin in your possession, just be aware of it and protect your stash.