Heise Online writes:
"In the case of the Bitcoin24 bitcoin exchange[1] which is closed at the moment, the Public Prosecution Office of Berlin has seized a bank account of exchange operator Simon Hausdorf. According to a bulletin in the juridical part of the Federal Gazette[2], Hausdorf is being investigated against for alleged fraud; maybe-victims can assert their claims under civil law. Hausdorf is claimed to have attempted to withdraw funds that exchange users had transferred in for trading in order to use them for his own purposes.
Two weeks ago, Bitcoin24 has suspended all operations[3]. At first, users were told that Poland-based accounts belonging to the company had been frozen by local investigators. An order for account seizure (translated from Polish), a search warrant from Berlin authorities for the operator's home and office, a search record and an objection from Bitcoin24's legal counsel were posted on the exchange website. It seems that German authorities have raised investigations in Poland by requesting administrative assistance.
As SZ reported last week[4], a charge with goods and service fraud has been filed with the State Criminal Investigation Agency of Berlin; a bank from Germany is said to have filed a charge as well. Deposits of noticeably high amounts as well as ATM withdrawals of abnormally high amounts raised suspicions at the Bremen-based bank where the account is held.
On monday, a letter[5] from Bitcoin24's attorneys was published where they stated that they were in contact with investigation authorities and bailing out all of their options. They emphasized that frozen funds were safe. All in all, the lawyers assume that exchange operations will resume eventually but they don't know when that would happen.
In a board posting[6] that is believed to be authentic, the operator himself described the charges as "ridiculous" and affirmed that his withdrawals weren't funds belonging to his customers but rather profit from his business. He also said that he had explained to his bank in detail how he would be using his accounts.
A few affected users have set up a help forum[7]. One of the site founders announced[8] that he had filed a charge against Bitcoin24, too. A list of 129 further victims whose claims sum up to € 1 000 000 is said to be sent to the Prosecution Office as well.
It seems that only a court will be able to determine whether this is a case of fraudulent business conduct or just simple dilettantism of the operator (as some assume)."