Global transactions for everyone around the world
BitcoinPurple (BTCP)
A global freedom for all, currency fully decentralized, created to be a means of free transactions and without central command. Bitcoin Purple is a SHA-256 (25.0) coin, created and designed similarly to Bitcoin (BTC), with a similar purpose but faster transactions than Bitcoin Purple.
Use your Bitcoin Purple as a store of value, as a means of exchange, payments and so you can be free to buy, store or collect.
In a decentralized way, you can be part of Purple's, create integrations, applications, websites, make donations, mine, create mining pools, buy and sell, save. Be free worldwide using Bitcoin Purple.
SHA-256 (25.0)
RPC: 13495
P2P: 13496
Target spacing: 1 minute
Target timespan: 120 minutes
Transaction confirmations: 3 blocks
Maturity: 100 + 1 confirmation blocks
It is only possible to mine one BTCP per Block, it is possible to mine only 1 000 000.
Without pre-mining, all currencies are members of the mining community.[email protected]Node and block explorer can be made by community members.
We are developing official ones too.
Come be part of the beginning, we are starting the process of listing on the BitxOnex Exchange