I would be interested in doing a show once a week. PM me your thoughts. We have a lack of content be produced these days.
Wonderful! Do you mind if I share ideas in open for now?
My idea was to have a bitcoin radio show aimed at the broader non-financial public. A bit of economic and financial talk may have it's place in the program, however I feel we as a community need to communicate the basic freedoms that bitcoins give us, to the 'non-nerds'
Talks will generally evolve around
-What is it?
-How can you use it?
-Why should you use it?
-New services and handy tools/software
Humor is always a goof theme to have, it doesn't have to be that serious. A bit of philosophy may have it's place, not sure...
I do love to see a common starting point and the general assumption of the show as follows: The financial system has gotten to corrupt to fix, so we need to take matter into our own hands and take power back.
Or we can have several shows with several themes off course and you may start off with the first one. It's all still open. And actually I just want to see what the community on this forum wants to do with it. I'd be happy to program the website to meet the needs of the content makers.
What is your idea?