This gitlab link is also listed on the project website.
I compared it with the github bitcoin core code and I have determined that it is a fork of bitcoin core v0.17.2 with only 2 files changed:
- they changed the message start parameters for node to node network messaging
- they changed the genesis block creation to make it different from the bitcoin genesis block
- they updated the merkle root hash
- they updated the tcp listen port
- they changed the nMinimumChainwork value to a low value because the current chain height is only about 25000 blocks
They made these changes in this file for all 3 of mainnet, testnet and regnet
- In this file they changed the TCP listen addresses for the mainnet, testnet and regnet
That's it. These are the only changes. They have done nothing to innovate the consensus protocol.
What it means is they created a clone of bitcoin as of v0.17.2 and have done nothing else other than the chain parameter and network changes above.
There is a whitepaper on the main site that talks about how they can do faster transactions than bitcoin, but they don't say how. I can only assume it's because they expect it to be an un-congested clone of BTC
So in summary, this is just another blockchain running a minimally modified bitcoin-core and there is nothing special nor compelling about this clone.