Quite right; if only I'd thought of saying that in my post.
I am making a philosophical observation about the nature of bitcoins, not suggesting we all calculate SHA256 in our heads.
With a blank computer and my memorised private key, I could restore my wealth, with no external storage needed. Your encrypted wallet.dat still needs storing somewhere, and brute forcing the wallet is possible.
I posted because I find the idea of wealth stored in my head an incredible one. Could I store gold in my head? Can I store dollars in my head? No. They are all stored by other's on my behalf, or stuffed under my matress -- none of which makes my wealth really mine.
I bet it's a hell of a lot easier to brute force the key in your head :p
Anyway, that amusement aside, I too like the concept if not the execution of this idea. Gives snoop doggs lyrics -- Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind -- fresh new meaning.