Great news --
BitcoinsForChristmas got tweeted by the
Wall Street Journal! We've had over 3000 new hits since then. New gift orders are pouring in, and we'll be delivering them all day tomorrow to brand-new Bitcoin holders, who've never used the currency before.
On behalf of the site, and our sponsors, we're
very proud to have been right at the front of the "second wave", just in time for the media's apologias for exaggerating Bitcoin's death; and we're glad to be doing something that reflects well on everyone in the community.
We're going to keep the site going for those late gifts, and possibly even turn it into a permanent free service. Why shouldn't you be able to send Bitcoins for Christmas in July? It costs us pennies now that it's up and running; it's great publicity for the currency, and it's obviously got value to the community.
So... Merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays, and thank you for helping us get the word out to so many new adopters. We'll be here in 2012, in one form or another, launching new sites and thinking of more ways to keep building on this amazing platform.