
Topic: BitcoinSOV is looking for Romanian translators (Read 200 times)

Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
February 08, 2020, 05:18:52 PM
Intr-adevar, este foarte util sa stii limba romana.

Conjugarea verbului "a vrea" la imperfect, persoana I, singular, este "eu vream", nicidecum "vroiam" Smiley

De asemenea, in link-ul postat de tine, este mentionat clar ca "Notă: a vroi nu mai este menționat în DOOM2".
Activity: 515
Merit: 12
^Voiam, nu "vroiam". Verbul "a vroi" nu exista in limba romana.

In ceea ce priveste BitcoinSOV, nu exista pe CMC. Ce inseamna ca "e situata destul de bine"? Situata destul de bine unde? Smiley
Multumesc pentru atentionare, este util sa vorbesti corect ( Cu privire la a doua parte, prin ”e situata destul de bine” faceam referire la eficienta proiectului, daca este de viitor dar este doar o bula. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
^Voiam, nu "vroiam". Verbul "a vroi" nu exista in limba romana.

In ceea ce priveste BitcoinSOV, nu exista pe CMC. Ce inseamna ca "e situata destul de bine"? Situata destul de bine unde? Smiley
Activity: 515
Merit: 12
Am vazut pe coingeko ca moneda e situata destul de bine, vroiam sa intreb daca este disponibila wp in lb. romana. Multumesc.
Activity: 333
Merit: 11
I'm interested. PM me with more details please.

Hello, you can join the telegram at
Activity: 333
Merit: 11
Hello. I hope I am allowed to ask for translators in these forums? Smiley If not, then just delete this.

Pleased to meet you! I am rouse, an active contributor to BitcoinSOV.

We are currently designing this website ---> and we are looking for translators who:
1. Need to be able to communicate effectively in English.
2. Need to be able to translate from English to their language.
3. Need to be interested in cryptocurrencies.
4. Need to be intrigued by the content of our website to some degree.

Please come to our community telegram channel to talk with us.
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