
Topic: Bitcointalk Blind Rules (Read 800 times)

Activity: 1484
Merit: 1654
Rêlêå§ê ¥ðµr MïñÐ
February 07, 2019, 03:04:45 AM
           Для pyccкoгoвopящeй aдминиcтpaции:
    Я внимaтeльнo oзнaкoмилacь c кaждым "дoкaзaтeльcтвoм! [...]
Я oцeнил пocт cвoeгo млaдшeгo бpaтa, этo былo мoё peшeниe. Bнe зaвиcимocти oт eгo пpaвoты, пoдoбныx oцeнoк c мoeй cтopoны нe пocлeдyeт. Haдeюcь нa ближaйшee вoccтaнoвлeниe peйтингa.
    C yвaжeниeм, Bepoникa.

It's weird that you confused the endings of words in Russian. You wrote on behalf of the woman at first, and then of the man - at the end of your comment.
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
February 07, 2019, 02:33:43 AM
... I will give one more message - you can still laugh and show your sense of humor.
A day ago, I led simultaneously more than 60 companies in the bounty. But with one button - rating, the administrator killed them all at once. For one click of the mouse. Without the possibility of restoring the trust.
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
February 07, 2019, 02:21:38 AM
Continuous nonsense, irony, jokes... I am glad that my siuation with loss of accounts for you - only empty entertainment. Who are you after the similar relation? I will not write. It is too obvious. It seems that the end is already put here.
full member
Activity: 686
Merit: 102
February 06, 2019, 04:57:19 PM
It is sort of funny consequences,

Nope, what is really funny is that trying to save one account, somebody (not you of course) has managed to earn at least 4 red tags on other accounts and probably a ban on all of them is on the horizon.

To date I know one guy that managed to do a trick like this, coming to protest against a ban and ending with 3 more accounts banned, you might break that puny record. That is funny!!!
I understand how it looks like  and I've seen a lot of threads when indonesian guys tried to prove that their whole family has different accounts ( LOL)  As well as that guy telling about sending merits to brother Smiley
Ok, i don't care about it , really)
This account was red trusted for almost 1 year and I have no intention to prove something
Activity: 2912
Merit: 6403
February 06, 2019, 04:22:48 PM
It is sort of funny consequences,

Nope, what is really funny is that trying to save one account, somebody (not you of course) has managed to earn at least 4 red tags on other accounts and probably a ban on all of them is on the horizon.

To date I know one guy that managed to do a trick like this, coming to protest against a ban and ending with 3 more accounts banned, you might break that puny record. That is funny!!!
full member
Activity: 686
Merit: 102
February 06, 2019, 04:01:06 PM
3) In luongdk - not my account, has no relation to me.

Is @JimmyTrading your twitter handle or not?
LOL, what a wave of evidences we have here))
I confirm that @JimmyTrading USED TO BE mine twitter handle as well, but point is that I sold it to that guy above

Here is out conversation in telegram about twitter account
Pay attention to date, since that time he started to use it for bounties and I abandoned twitter bounties long time ago

It is sort of funny consequences, because it has started from Skyrah2008,  then someone found his bitcoin address connected with my bought account and finally there is a connection between my sold twitter and that @TheMasterProT account)))
hero member
Activity: 1806
Merit: 672
February 06, 2019, 11:39:50 AM
This dude was like
I am confused, it is been years since i am using this account and i never did or broke any terms of this forum because i am well aware of its terms but i am so much sure that my account has been banned blindly !

And then after a lot of members have pointed out his violations in both spam and plagiarism his next argument would be.
Thank you for replying.  I saw all these signs linked to my account but these all happened in past and my account was banned yesterday.  I am not sure for any plagiarism but if these were the reasons of my account ban, why didn't it happen at the right time ?  it is happening now after a year !

So clearly he thinks that it was unfair that he got banned a year after his copy/pasted post so from that point arguing with this guy would be pointless.
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
February 06, 2019, 10:00:49 AM
3) In luongdk - not my account, has no relation to me.

Is @JimmyTrading your twitter handle or not?
I confirm. It is my working page.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
February 06, 2019, 09:59:56 AM
3) In luongdk - not my account, has no relation to me.

Is @JimmyTrading your twitter handle or not?
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
February 06, 2019, 06:10:56 AM
     The dear "friend" YOSHIE deprived of respect for people around to me was necessary to spend enough time and forces that to state everything on shelves. Unfortunately, you proved to be as the vindictive and low person therefore I consider communication with you finished.
Please, do not spend my time and time of administration for the empty posts. Yours faithfully, Veronika.
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1775
February 06, 2019, 04:59:06 AM

Can you explain it all to Mod, if @suchmoon agrees ...?
1. You try to convince @suchmoon, if he agrees, don't forget to bring him wine, oranges, and apples of his paporite fruit.

Many claim to be like you.
Hello Bitcointalk Moderator,

I represent my husband who has a Bitcointalk account but on BANNED.

BTT id   : zxl912157
BTT link  :

Proof  :

I joined Bitcointalk from 2013 and now ends BANNED, damn it!

Moderator, please explain to me where the SPAM and PLAGIARISM ?

zxl912157 (My husband)

Hello. My friend's account was banned. Please tell me the reason for what happened. Thank you very much.

And what about what virus_pro account is uncle, brother-in-law, grandfather, or wife and husband.

The forum has rules, if you know the exact rules you don't make mistakes, everything is clear (CONNECTED).
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
February 06, 2019, 04:31:13 AM
     I attentively got acquainted with everyone "the proof!" the opposite side, it is also ready to declare with full confidence the following:
YOSHIE made absolutely superficial work which is not true. What as I believe, is slander. (The reason at it - personal what he for some reason "forgot" to mention). And now we will begin one after another.
     1) I have a younger brother who conducts Bounty of the company.
I delivered to it in a karma as counted its post credible. Besides, it is a subjective component that corresponds estimated judgments of each individual user and does not contradict freedom established by rules of a forum. A post assessment question - everyone solves independently, in compliance with rules.
     2) I saw a name here below which have no relation neither to my nickname, nor to my brother. As far as I see, the person just made a typo. Also I can provide the mountain of proofs as the person conducting tens of posts in Bounty at the same time can eн sometimes be correct data in view of the fact that hurries, and can incorrectly quote a post. On this subject I, as well as for each bauntist have not ten
     3) In luongdk - not my account, has no relation to me. And if the author of the complaint seeking to settle as soon as possible personal scores would work material better, then would see that SPECIFICS and STYLE of posts absolutely different. My account - it is clean for work. As in life I have no rather free time for correspondences in network. It would be obvious to everyone that sorts a situation seriously and under mikrosopy. But for you the main thing - to complain. isn't that so expensive YOSHIE?
It was low. I hope that for it it will be a shame to you with the behavior.
    So. Summing up the result above told, I send the official appeal of administration about removal of a negative trust. Also it will be supported with letters to performers.
I estimated a post of the younger brother, it was my decision. Regardless of his correctness, similar estimates for my part will not follow. I hope for the next restoration of rating.
Yours faithfully, Veronikadobryx.

           Для pyccкoгoвopящeй aдминиcтpaции:
    Я внимaтeльнo oзнaкoмилacь c кaждым "дoкaзaтeльcтвoм! " пpoтивoпoлoжнoй cтopoны, и гoтoвa c пoлнoй yвepeннocтью зaявить cлeдyющee:
YOSHIE cдeлaл aбcoлютнo пoвepxнocтнyю paбoтy, кoтopaя нe cooтвeтcтвyeт дeйcтвитeльнocти. Чтo, кaк я пoлaгaю, являeтcя клeвeтoй. (Пpичинa y нeгo - личнaя, o чём oн пoчeмy тo "зaбыл" yпoмянyть). A тeпepь нaчнём пo пopядкy.
    1) У мeня ecть млaдший бpaт, кoтopый вeдёт бayнти кoмпaнии.
Я пocтaвилa eмy + в кapмy, тaк кaк пocчитaлa eгo пocт зacлyживaющим дoвepия. К тoмy жe, этo cyбьeктивнaя cocтaвляющaя, чтo cooтвeтcтвyeт oцeнoчнoмy cyждeния кaждoгo индивидyaльнoгo пoльзoвaтeля и нe пpoтивopeчит cвoбoдe, ycтaнoвлeннoй пpaвилaми фopyмa. Boпpoc oцeнки пocтa - кaждый peшaeт caмocтoятeльнo, в cooтвeтcтвии c пpaвилaми.
    2)Я yвидeлa здecь имя нижe, кoтopoe нe имeют никaкoгo oтнoшeния ни к мoeмy никy, ни к мoeмy бpaтy. Hacкoлькo вижy я, чeлoвeк пpocтo cдeлaл oпeчaткy. И мoгy пpeдocтaвить гopy дoкaзaтeльcтв, кaк чeлoвeк, вeдyющий дecятки пocтoв в бayнти oднoвpeмeннo, инoгдa мoжeт нe вepнo yкaзaть дaнныe, ввидy тoгo, чтo тopoпитcя, и мoжeт  нe вepнo пpoцитиpoвaть пocт. Ha этy тeмy y мeня, кaк и y кaждoгo бayнтиcтa имeeтcя нe дecятoк пpимepoв.  
    3)B luongdk - нe мoй aккayнт, нe имeeт никaкoгo oтнoшeния кo мнe. И ecли бы aвтop жaлoбы, cтpeмившийcя кaк мoжнo cкopee cвecти личныe cчёты , пpopaбoтaл бы мaтepиaл лyчшe, тo yвидeл бы, чтo CПEЦИФИКA и CTИЛЬ пocтoв oбcoлютнo paзныe. Moй aккayнт - чиcтo для paбoты. Taк кaк в жизни нe имeю дocтaтoчнo cвoбoднoгo вpeмeни для пepeпиcoк в ceти. Этo былo бы oчeвиднo для кaждoгo, чтo paзбиpaeт cитyaцию cepьёзнo и пoд микpocкoпoм.
      Ho для тeбя вeдь глaвнoe - пoжaлoвaтьcя.. нe пpaвдa ли дopoгoй YOSHIE ?
Этo былo низкo. Я нaдeюcь, чтo тeбe зa этo бyдeт cтыднo зa cвoё пoвeдeниe.
   Итaк. Пoдвoдя итoг вышecкaзaннoмy, я нaпpaвляю oфициaльнoe oбpaщeниe к aдминиcтpaции o cнятии oтpицaтeльнoгo тpacтa. Taк жe oнo бyдeт пoдкpeплeнo пиcьмaми иcпoлнитeлям.
Я oцeнилa пocт cвoeгo млaдшeгo бpaтa, этo былo мoё peшeниe. Bнe зaвиcимocти oт eгo пpaвoты, пoдoбныx oцeнoк c мoeй cтopoны нe пocлeдyeт. Haдeюcь нa ближaйшee вoccтaнoвлeниe peйтингa.
    C yвaжeниeм, Bepoникa.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 3282
February 05, 2019, 11:26:49 PM
Guys, luongdk changed hands back in 22 january 2018. I am the new owner. You can even compare posts. As you see we have difference in posts. Moreover I was disappointed to see red trust once Darkstar became DT member, because I've never scammed newbie and it was previous owner's attempt.

Your fault for buying an account that attempted to scam.
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1775
February 05, 2019, 10:55:47 AM
Guys, luongdk changed hands back in 22 january 2018. I am the new owner. You can even compare posts. As you see we have difference in posts. Moreover I was disappointed to see red trust once Darkstar became DT member, because I've never scammed newbie and it was previous owner's attempt.
Connected accounts, and misusing Smerit connected 4 accounts, can check Merit:

1. account: [luongdk]
2. account: [Virus_Pro]
3. account: [veronikadobryx]
4. account:[virt_sokolniki]

You say that the @luongdk account, changed hands for you on January 22, 2018, becomes the date and then you hold it,
Well, now you play on gift twitter, and Facebook,
Why are you lying ...?
I'm sure you have more accounts. When you are hooked on your emotions.
Your lies can be dismantled,
You violate the rules of the forum, and you are account farmers and fraudsters.
sick of your nonsense.
You can explain the ones below all. I do not think so.

January 30, 2018, 09:38:19 AM
Week (24-31.01.18)
Twitter Campaign
Bitcointalk username: luongdk
Twitter username: @JimmyTrading                          
Twitter url:
Followers: 18100

WEEK #3 (30_01 - 5_02)
Twitter Campaign
Twitter Profile Link:
Bitcointalk url:
Twitter name: @JimmyTrading
Bitcointalk name: Virus_Pro
Telegram name:  @TheMasterProT
Ether 0xDdC9563634e8a1A4912D7751A41b5E8c6469B5D5

#Proof of Authentication
Bitcoin Profile: veronikadobryx
Bitcoin Profile:
Campaign in which I participate: Twitter
Twitter URL:
Twitter name: @JimmyTrading
Telegram: @TheMasterProT
Eth address:  0xDdC9563634e8a1A4912D7751A41b5E8c6469B5D5
full member
Activity: 686
Merit: 102
February 05, 2019, 05:59:36 AM
Guys, luongdk changed hands back in 22 january 2018. I am the new owner. You can even compare posts. As you see we have difference in posts. Moreover I was disappointed to see red trust once Darkstar became DT member, because I've never scammed newbie and it was previous owner's attempt.
hero member
Activity: 1232
Merit: 738
Mixing reinvented for your privacy |
February 04, 2019, 06:58:08 PM
I am not sure for any plagiarism but if these were the reasons of my account ban, why didn't it happen at the right time ?  it is happening now after a year !
it happened like that because someone just found the plagiarism post and reported it to admin
just like if a crime happened in a real life, someone can only be arrested when there's enough proof

Thank you for replying.  I saw all these signs linked to my account but these all happened in past and my account was banned yesterday.  
so, those linked accounts are correctly yours?
then... just pick a reason, plagiarism or ban evasion?
either way you are fully deserved to get banned as suchmoon said
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1775
February 04, 2019, 05:02:48 AM
Maybe this, one more proof of the lot of evidence that your bitcointalk member gave you is connecting to this third account:
Connected account:
1. [Skyrah2008]
2. [bazar165g]
3. [luongdk]

ETH Address:  0xe2CB96c52f28B73681fDbABE1884C392BA387578
Thank you
Bitcointalk Username : Bazar165g
Bitcointalk Profile link :
Twitter Username and Profile Link :
Number of Followers : 7355
Your Ethereum Address :  0xe2CB96c52f28B73681fDbABE1884C392BA387578
Facebook Username and Profile Link :
Number of Facebook Friends : 6237
Ethereum Address :  0xe2CB96c52f28B73681fDbABE1884C392BA387578
Btc Address:  3Qc1WW41dK64G5GSD5nS7APU666QrCYpXo
Hi, you are a newbie, i couldn't send you PM, if you can pay $200 now, i am happy to accelerate your transaction on my pool right now.  
Btc-  3Qc1WW41dK64G5GSD5nS7APU666QrCYpXo
I think this, you get a ban, can you explain all this.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1166
🤩Finally Married🤩
February 04, 2019, 01:08:26 AM
user ID : Skyrrah2008_2 should banned now also, what he is doing right now is purely ban evasion, there's no need for arguments here, for the proofs and reason have been visible to him right now.

To Skyrrah2008 even if you're crime is already on the past, that didn't mean that you  won't get any consequences on the future.

"What you have already been done will reflect into your personality". And so does here in the forum. Expect the unexpected... Anyways, Goodbye, another one has been removed, thanks to efforts of the reporters.
Activity: 252
Merit: 59
February 03, 2019, 03:46:31 PM
At least you also have alt, and are you an account seller.

Mods is this ban evading?  Wink

I need a bounty manager to run bounty and airdrop and also ANN thread.

Please contact me on this thread or via pm.

Hi, i have been managing bounties, signature campaigns, runnung ANN threads with better results.  You can check my profile history.
Kindly message me over telegram for more discussion  @IdenticalJ

Hi, i have real 85k active followers on instagram, also experienced in bounty management, signature designs.

I can boost your project by spreading message to world, find me on telegram  @IdenticalJ

Full Member With Original Email Access,
Already in Signature Campaign

Price= $200,  Telegram  @IdenticalJ

Add me on telegram  @IdenticalJ

Great investigation coinlocket you always fight spammer, scammer and any others break the forum rules,  look like it is next wicket for ban evading. you are the great man.
Activity: 952
Merit: 41
February 03, 2019, 03:42:28 PM
Thank you for replying.  I saw all these signs linked to my account but these all happened in past and my account was banned yesterday.  I am not sure for any plagiarism but if these were the reasons of my account ban, why didn't it happen at the right time ?  it is happening now after a year !
Most times moderators are too busy to fine out your offenses but once they can lay hold of it they do they job, it doesn't matter when and how the offense was committed once the moderators have any evidence against you they carry out their job. So you have to let go and take it as one of those things in life.
Activity: 2240
Merit: 3150
₿uy / $ell ..oeleo ;(
February 03, 2019, 03:39:28 PM
Oh, so nice to see some of the word-spinners banned even after so much time. Congrats mate, I've been catching those like you for a long time now, and I'm not alone anymore, we are many and we are after anyone crossing the rules.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
February 03, 2019, 03:01:08 PM
Mate, come here and let me help you understand.  If you open up your eyes and see carefully what i said in earth-token thread
I said ("Do you know what is the most i like on this project") , right ?
 It is not actually plagiarism as i was referring their promises.

However Check out earth token's whitepaper

and you will find this "quotation" there . Now if you and TryNinja like members are still not able to understand and assume i  deserve to be banned by this plagiarism (which actually isn't) , then you must also ban  "kram31" member because he is the prior to copy this line of text from earth-token whitepaper.

Feel free to report kram31 to moderator.

And yes, your ban is fully deserved. You don't get a pass if you copied from whitepaper.
copper member
Activity: 1204
Merit: 737
✅ Need Campaign Manager? TG > @TalkStar675
February 03, 2019, 02:53:03 PM
OP i think you already got your answer here. Your account got banned with proper evidence. There's no one here on the forum who got banned without enough rules breaking record.

As a user of bitcointalk i beleive who got banned they were not carefull enough to read the forum rules. 
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1517
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
February 03, 2019, 02:35:23 PM
At least you also have alt, and are you an account seller.

Mods is this ban evading?  Wink

I need a bounty manager to run bounty and airdrop and also ANN thread.

Please contact me on this thread or via pm.

Hi, i have been managing bounties, signature campaigns, runnung ANN threads with better results.  You can check my profile history.
Kindly message me over telegram for more discussion  @IdenticalJ

Hi, i have real 85k active followers on instagram, also experienced in bounty management, signature designs.

I can boost your project by spreading message to world, find me on telegram  @IdenticalJ

Full Member With Original Email Access,
Already in Signature Campaign

Price= $200,  Telegram  @IdenticalJ

Add me on telegram  @IdenticalJ

Activity: 11
Merit: 7
February 03, 2019, 02:22:03 PM
Copy/pasting without citing the source.

Isn't Earth token is the General planet of Cryptocurrencies. And do you know what is the most I like on this project?
That's is Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from the primary treatment of waste materials, and is a form of energy recovery. This will really be big help to our nature.

Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from the primary treatment of waste materials, and is a form of energy recovery. Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from the primary treatment of waste materials, and is a form of energy recovery.

33. Posting plagiarized content is not allowed.
~ This includes both copying parts or the entirety of other users' posts or threads and copying content from external sources (e.g. other websites) and passing it as your own.

Mate, come here and let me help you understand.  If you open up your eyes and see carefully what i said in earth-token thread
I said ("Do you know what is the most i like on this project") , right ?
 It is not actually plagiarism as i was referring their promises.

However Check out earth token's whitepaper

and you will find this "quotation" there . Now if you and TryNinja like members are still not able to understand and assume i  deserve to be banned by this plagiarism (which actually isn't) , then you must also ban  "kram31" member because he is the prior to copy this line of text from earth-token whitepaper.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1654
Rêlêå§ê ¥ðµr MïñÐ
February 03, 2019, 01:51:30 PM
Copy/pasting without citing the source.

Isn't Earth token is the General planet of Cryptocurrencies. And do you know what is the most I like on this project?
That's is Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from the primary treatment of waste materials, and is a form of energy recovery. This will really be big help to our nature.

Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from the primary treatment of waste materials, and is a form of energy recovery. Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from the primary treatment of waste materials, and is a form of energy recovery.

33. Posting plagiarized content is not allowed.
~ This includes both copying parts or the entirety of other users' posts or threads and copying content from external sources (e.g. other websites) and passing it as your own.
copper member
Activity: 2562
Merit: 2510
Spear the bees
February 03, 2019, 01:44:16 PM
why didn't it happen at the right time ?  it is happening now after a year !
Users reporting plagiarism and moderators who catch it can't be everywhere at once.

Complaining about a late sentence makes as much sense as
Activity: 11
Merit: 7
February 03, 2019, 01:36:49 PM
Hows about this ? any questions ?

The Green energy market covers renewable energy production and is growing at a steady rate in terms of investment and capacity. In 2007, the world only produced 99 Gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy every year. However, by 2016, production hits a record high of 2011.3 GW. Green energy sources contributed 24% of electricity produced in 2016, mostly consisting of hydropower, followed closely by wind and solar.
To rectify the challenges mentioned above, Green X’s mission is to build an ecosystem that consists of two global marketplaces – the GreenX Capital Market and the GreenX Global Exchange. The GreenX Capital Market is a crowd-funding platform built on blockchain technology, while the GreenX Global Exchange is a global energy investment marketplace that operates globally and 24/7.

Archived :

Orginal is from

GREENX Solutions

To rectify the challenges mentioned above, Green X’s mission is to build an ecosystem that consists of two global marketplaces — the GreenX Capital Market and the GreenX Global Exchange. The GreenX Capital Market is a crowd-funding platform built on blockchain technology, while the GreenX Global Exchange is a global energy investment marketplace that operates globally and 24/7.

lol, you can't even find right plagiarism.  I was managing the project and uts social media profiles, if i personally post same news/message/anouncement at various forums, how does it mean plagiarism ?  don't you see the anouncement was from same company/group ?
Activity: 11
Merit: 7
February 03, 2019, 01:30:11 PM
Thank you for replying.  I saw all these signs linked to my account but these all happened in past and my account was banned yesterday.  I am not sure for any plagiarism but if these were the reasons of my account ban, why didn't it happen at the right time ?  it is happening now after a year !
sr. member
Activity: 1035
Merit: 200
February 03, 2019, 12:57:05 PM
Found one more alt:

Bitcointalk username: Skyrah2008
Forum rank: Jr. member
Starting post count: 52
Telegram username: TheLegend
Bitcoin address: 1MPnyatAUCRJptNf46yaL2R863RGSJnC3W

Name: Bitmedrano040117
Profile Link :
Post Count : 237
Rank: Full Member
Bitcoin Address: 1MPnyatAUCRJptNf46yaL2R863RGSJnC3W

Thanks Wink
Activity: 3108
Merit: 3199
February 03, 2019, 12:48:05 PM
Hows about this ? any questions ?

The Green energy market covers renewable energy production and is growing at a steady rate in terms of investment and capacity. In 2007, the world only produced 99 Gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy every year. However, by 2016, production hits a record high of 2011.3 GW. Green energy sources contributed 24% of electricity produced in 2016, mostly consisting of hydropower, followed closely by wind and solar.
To rectify the challenges mentioned above, Green X’s mission is to build an ecosystem that consists of two global marketplaces – the GreenX Capital Market and the GreenX Global Exchange. The GreenX Capital Market is a crowd-funding platform built on blockchain technology, while the GreenX Global Exchange is a global energy investment marketplace that operates globally and 24/7.

Archived :

Orginal is from

GREENX Solutions

To rectify the challenges mentioned above, Green X’s mission is to build an ecosystem that consists of two global marketplaces — the GreenX Capital Market and the GreenX Global Exchange. The GreenX Capital Market is a crowd-funding platform built on blockchain technology, while the GreenX Global Exchange is a global energy investment marketplace that operates globally and 24/7.
Activity: 2282
Merit: 2196
Signature space for rent
February 03, 2019, 12:37:57 PM
Most likely you got ban for spam, your ID reported for spamming. Take a look below,
The Haiku Bots Case > by request of suchmoon
Part 4, keyword > impeccable
The results are all accounts posted/quoted the keyword. Total: 578
Update: This list is for the last 120 days, only in Altcoin section.
Note: I had no time to remove the "quoters", I have to have some free time to fine tune the tools I use.
(1 of 2)

43      Skyrah2008        BPIP

On the other hand you are alt of red tagged user who had attempt to scam,
Hi, you are a newbie, i couldn't send you PM, if you can pay $200 now, i am happy to accelerate your transaction on my pool right now.  
Btc-  3Qc1WW41dK64G5GSD5nS7APU666QrCYpXo


Bitcointalk username:  Skyrah2008
Payouts: 3Qc1WW41dK64G5GSD5nS7APU666QrCYpXo
Activity: 3108
Merit: 3199
February 03, 2019, 12:37:20 PM
You have been permanently banned by a forum moderator, probably due to spam or plagiarism.

There is your answer already !

Spam or plagiarism , guess that Copy and Paste the reason is !
Activity: 868
Merit: 15
February 03, 2019, 12:19:24 PM
You must have broken some rules, so you have been banned, your account has been autobanned by Moderator, I'm not sure but I think you are banned for Copy/pasting (Ex.You've copied a little bit of text or a line and it's been your name that might have banned you)
Activity: 11
Merit: 7
February 03, 2019, 11:52:10 AM
Hi Community,

I am creating this thread as a message to bitcointalk moderators and to its members to help me sort out my issue.

My primary account : (Skyrah2008)
Direct Link:

Yesterday i logged into my account and saw this message prefixed at the header of my account:   Sorry Skyrah2008, you are banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum.
You have been permanently banned by a forum moderator, probably due to spam or plagiarism. You may appeal here, but your chances are not good: [email protected]

I am confused, it is been years since i am using this account and i never did or broke any terms of this forum because i am well aware of its terms but i am so much sure that my account has been banned blindly !

I request any reputed members of this forum reverendly to look into my account history and let me know even a single mistake where i have broke the terms of this forum or i have plagiarised any material ?

Also, it would be your kindness if you invite moderators here (in the mean they can read this message and show me my mistake clearly)

I am sure this has happened errorously with my account because i couldn't understand if and where i have histories against this forum

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