
Topic: BITCOLA The First Global Community Exchange (Read 97 times)

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October 28, 2018, 12:25:40 AM
BITCOLA, the world’s first community-based cryptocurrency exchange. Compared to traditional exchanges, BITCOLA has developed the community and chat functions as an exchange. In the current exchanges, there is no other exchange that proposes this concept. After joining the concept of the community, the user experience and transaction experience will be greatly improved, and the chat function is also added. It can be said that it is a triple combination of Twitter + Telegraph + Exchange. Completely break the boring and monotonous trading mode of the existing exchanges, so that users can meet more friends while trading. The following is a detailed introduction to the exchange.

First of all, in terms of security, BITCOLA adopts the industry’s most mature financial-grade distributed architecture solution, and uses multi-signature, hot and cold storage and other technologies to ensure user funds security, each transaction can be traced, the wind control system 7×24 hours automatically monitor abnormal trading behavior and manage account security.

Professional & safety
BITCOLA is not only superior in security compared to traditional exchanges, but also superior in scalability and high concurrency. BITCOLA adopts a micro-service architecture with good scalability, fault tolerance, high concurrency, high-performance service calls, support for millions of vists per second, and easier deployment, development and management in a distributed environment. It is self-controllable and secure, and supports unlimited expansion. It supports application-level, database-level, and regional-level rapid expansion, stable and reliable, ensuring user funds security while ensuring user experience.

While ensuring security and high concurrency, the biggest difference between BITCOLA is the establishment of the community. BITCOLA’s community not only provides users with a place to exchange and research digital crypto currency, but also breaks the traditional exchange coin-listing mechanism. In the BITCOLA online crypto currency, the project party does not need to pay any fees for listing, as long as you use BITCOLA to establish the corresponding community, establish the corresponding group. After the community activity meets the corresponding needs, submit the corresponding information, BITCOLA will list the coin or token for free. And will promote the development of the corresponding community. Listing coin or token by free that protects the interests of community members. Well-developed community will also promote the development of BITCOLA and achieve win-win cooperation between the community and the platform.

For Community
Behind every good crypto currency there is an excellent community or team. In the past few years, many excellent crypto currencies have been born. There are countless community members behind them in these excellent crypto currencies. They develop, maintain, update, build mine pools, maintain computing power and many excellent community members work for it and jointly promote the development of each excellent currency. Some traditional exchanges in blockchain industry made a lot of damage on the interests of the community, such as charge millions dollar for listing requirement, set up a series of unreasonable questions to the project party, all the reasons are greatly hindered the development of blockchain industry, also harm the interests of investors, Ignored the efforts of many good community members. As a result, many excellent blockchain projects have been rejected, and the team and community cannot get further development. The community-oriented mechanism of BITCOLA will greatly improve this situation, and it will also bring more excellent blockchain projects for everyone to jointly promote the development and progress of blockchain.

When BITCOLA is community-oriented, it will also take a series of measures to ensure the fairness and openness of community development. For example, BITCOLA will publish the current community ranking regularly, and the specific ranking will be judged and audited according to the community activity, number of people, number of group chats and other related factors. Meanwhile, BITCOLA will take the initiative to launch some currencies active in other communities. If you want to recommend any currency, you can send the relevant currency information to [email protected]. We will decide whether to launch the online currency based on the specific currency situation, community situation and other factors.

Cola Token is the certificate that BITCOLA aims to create a better ecological community. In the community, Cola Token can be used as a reward to reward excellent authors. In the chat, Cola Token bonus can be sent. Meanwhile, holders of Cola Token will also enjoy various benefits of the platform. For example, dividends, global nodes, etc. will reflect the application and value of Cola Token. Meanwhile, BITCOLA will open the pre-sale of Cola Token on oct 21, 2018.Participate in website:

Community & Chat
In the community, BITCOLA also provides a series of reward mechanisms. For users who publish excellent opinions and articles, they can be rewarded by other users. At the same time, they will also be awarded during the promotion period of BITCOLA. The project party who joined the BITCOLA community at the early stage will get strong official support to jointly promote the development of the community and platform.

Welcome more excellent communities to enter BITCOLA, and BITCOLA will bring you a different exchange.

The information above is the basic introduction of BITCOLA. For more information, you can follow the website, telegram and twitter of BITCOLA.






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