if anyone wants to sell btcQuick shares but can not do this anymore, I am interested in obtaining up to
100000 (0,2%) shares.
I am a German (European) citizen, fully verified at Bitfunder.
Payment via
BTC or € via SEPA wire transfer.
International wire possible if the buyer pays for my fees as well (about 15€ + money conversion rate)
€ price will be calculated from this average €/BTC price:
https://bitcoinaverage.com/#EUR|nogox (note the |nogox !)
Offered price per 5000 shares: Average bid price of 15.000 shares (3 times the amount you buy)
At the moment (09:15 UTC) this would be roughly about
BTC 0.0000473 per share.
Hero members from the German subforum have my verified address.
Please also check my active in the KnC Miner discussion or in this German thread
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.3380620to see that I am a serious guy
Update: Calculate my offer using this script.
Copy&Pase the BID Section from Bitfunder into this Unix script and use the number of shares wanted as parameter:
if test $# -ne 1
echo "Missing parameter: number of shares"
exit 1
grep -v "Quick Fill" | tr -d ",฿" | \
awk -v buying=$1 'BEGIN {buying=buying*3; price_sum=0; bought=0}
if(bought > 0) { printf "# buying: %d, bought: %d, paid: %.8f (%.8f), avg: %.8f\n", buying, bought, price_sum, price_sum/3, price_sum/bought }
if(bought+$1 < buying) {bought=bought+$1; price_sum=price_sum+$1*$2}
else {if(bought < buying) {price_sum=price_sum+(buying-bought)*$2; bought=buying}}}
END {printf "%d shares will be bought for %.8f BTC (avg: %.8f BTC/share)\n", bought/3, price_sum/3, price_sum/bought}'
Sample result for 10000 shares:
./bitfunder_average.sh 10000 < btcquik-bid-output.txt
# buying: 30000, bought: 281, paid: 0.01363412 (0.00454471), avg: 0.00004852
# buying: 30000, bought: 1181, paid: 0.05687012 (0.01895671), avg: 0.00004815
# buying: 30000, bought: 5849, paid: 0.28107416 (0.09369139), avg: 0.00004806
# buying: 30000, bought: 6749, paid: 0.32339216 (0.10779739), avg: 0.00004792
# buying: 30000, bought: 18578, paid: 0.87947345 (0.29315782), avg: 0.00004734
# buying: 30000, bought: 23135, paid: 1.09365245 (0.36455082), avg: 0.00004727
# buying: 30000, bought: 23885, paid: 1.12515995 (0.37505332), avg: 0.00004711
# buying: 30000, bought: 28695, paid: 1.32717995 (0.44239332), avg: 0.00004625
# buying: 30000, bought: 29795, paid: 1.35491095 (0.45163698), avg: 0.00004547
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 1.36007695 (0.45335898), avg: 0.00004534
10000 shares will be bought for 0.45335898 BTC (avg: 0.00004534 BTC/share)