I always preferred pushing bitcoin as spaceheaters. Rather then buying this item for 50 bucks.
buy this for 110
I am not against bitfury making money I just don't see how the BTC network can survive with 3 or 4 super companies.
I don't think investors would want the coins. But that looks like where we are going.
I hate to hoping for a major meltdown of Bitfury+Allied Control new plant as the only way for me to mine.
Remember the flooding that happened to Western Digital's plant?
i don't even see 3-4 if they get 0.2GH/w and have cooling, more like one, two at most.
they will become like old ATT for a while and the nature of bitcoin will change.
Instead of miners, they will produce something like "transaction centers", where they will/might rent capability to others, mostly companies.
Too bad that i still have some btc, which are underwater.