I`m a foreigner and I have a problem with the withdrawal on Bithumb.
I have total verification, and when I made deposit and withdrawal on small amount - everything worked correct.
But, after I made a deposit for a bigger amount - I was blocked off any possibility of withdrawal any assets.
No KRW withdrawal, no BTC, no ETH - Nothing!
I send my korean ID-Card, my Foreigner Passport, and other documents, I send it many times.
I made request here: https://www.bithumb.com/u3/US343
And also send my documents.
Also I send my ATM Transfer Certificate History with date and amount my last KRW deposit.
And all that I receive in answer, this text:
안녕하세요 빗썸고객센터입니다.
답변을 드리기 앞서 사전안내드립니다.
1.출금/레벨증빙자료는 홈페이지 상단 고객지원-출금/레벨증빙자료 카테고리에 올려주시기
2.OTP해제요청 시 대면신분증(얼굴과 신분증이 한화면에 나온 사진) 과 요청 날
짜가 적힌 메모지도 한화면에 나오게끔 촬영해서 해당 메일로 보내주시기바랍니다.
3.압수수색 영장수신은 팩스로 접수해주시기바랍니다.
4.기타문의는 1661-5566으로 보내주시기바랍니다.
They have all my documents and all my request.
What can I do???
Who can help me?
Thanks to all!
was this issue resolved? or they didn't send your coins even after 72 hours of waiting?