What does this mean: "BitKong potentially scamming its users", they are either cheating users or they are not.
Have you (or any other user) manually verified result(s)? Have you verified result(s) in old system?
No, we didn't create the script - you could say the same about FreeBitco.in - which is "provably fair" but the amount of users hitting the $200 top prize is very minimal - it's defined by the system, whether it's provably fair or not - only that FreeBitco.in is free, so you could mind less if you don't win the top prize - here people actually deposit their own money into a cash machine that simply swallows it.
So what benefit would you get by "verifying" results in the system itself? Fairness and verification is something that should be defined or regarded also by the users and not only by the site itself - if you take away that freedom to express the opinion of over 20 users (we have all their emails saved) - then you automatically side with the site and accuse the accusers of lying - why would any of our member complain about this site for no reason? What incentives do our members have to complain specifically about this site?
Hint: We used to run other gambling sites in our site, we had no problem with many of them, incl. William Hill.
Hint: Since then we are not very happy to promote many gambling sites in our site - we want our users to make money, not lose money - we don't mind if we give them a fair chance, but this site
based on our and our user experience (more than 1, more than 5, more than 10, more than 20!) - doesn't seem to be fair! Take it or leave it.
Final Hint: If you want to bet with better odds - just bet against a dog in a greyhound race, in the UK you only have to guess which dog out of 6 won't win the race - in Australia it could be even 1 dog out of a 8 or a 9 dog race ... at least there you know the chances of "rigging" the race is minimal than dealing with a site that whatever it says - seems to come with lots of skepticism in practice.