bitmain has most likely,simply ran out of chips on this current batch
as far as I know bitmain has never tried to regulate the difficulty or the miners market saturation and would
ship as many s9 as they can,given their outrageous overpricing
I bet it is way more than 2x mentioned in this topic too
actually, part of possibility #2 is proven, they did not run out of chips:
...they were stocking the hashnest with 12.5Th S9
Yeah they also lowered,power cost,on the s7s.
And the s7 price went up from .00003 to 0.0004. That is a 33% jump in value
Solid score for those that knew this in advance.
Basically insider trading. Would be subject to a criminal offense since it should of had at least a 30 day warning. I am sure a few guys scored a lot of coin.
yeah, maybe. i am not familiar with 0.0003 vs 0.0004 as I don't trade there.
is this daily or hourly earnings per Th? Makes sense, though, in lieu of rising btc price, which is reflected in 20-30% higher S7 price on ebay vs 2-3 mo ago.