Chain[6] has 63 asic
Chain[7] has 0 asic
Let's say you swapped 7<>6, if the board is good and the issue is either the data cable or power cable, the kernel log will be the same
Chain[6] has 63 asic
Chain[7] has 0 asic
This means even the old J6 which is now J7 isn't working in that slot, so you know the previous J7 which is now J6 was good all along, and it's either the PSU or the data cable that needs replacing.
if however, the kernel long changes to
Chain[6] has 0 asic
Chain[7] has 65 asic
You would apply the same logic above (inversed) and reach the conclusion that you the hashboard is physically dead and needs further diagnosis, and repair.
While performing the test, it's best to unplug J5's 6-pin power cables.