Still stuck at 0 conf, but that sort of thing I'm used to. Which is kinda sad, IMO. We really need to do something about that.
I think the issue here is that due to the backlog, they were waiting on other transactions to be confirmed (some sites will send inputs that are still unconfirmed, while others will wait, as it can't confirm until all previous inputs are anyways).
You think? Im sure its the real issue. Everything with BTC is so slow these days. It's not worth paying the higher fee when you know you can pay a lower one of your transaction can wait. You can also start using altcoins like LTC or ETH of you want to move value around from exchange to exchange.
A lower fee may never confirm, though. There are clear attacks on the blockchain, and these are what are causing most of the issues. Having 220k+ transactions in the backlog is ridiculous. There are transactions that have been pending as many as 9 days that I'm aware of now.
That BTC user might be updated with whats happening and still uses the standard BTC0.0001 transaction fee amount. I use 3x that for small transactions.