I'm drawing a blank on some basic HTML stuff.
Bitping.net API sends a POST. I have a php script set up from twilio that sends a txt any time it is loaded. I have it set on a link now anytime I click it I get a text sent to my cell.
How do set it up so anytime I get a HTML POST from Bitping sent to my page it loads/runs this PHP script?
"from bitping.net "
To get the full benefit of BPN you need to implement the HTTP POST api callback.
We provide a simple example in PHP to receive the events below, please note that the secret value is unique to your account, and should be kept secret.
If you build a module for a webshop, the secret value should be user editable.
When you choose to receive HTTP POST events for a order, we will contact your webserver when a payment has received the required amount of confirmations.
The HTTP POST event will contain the following variables
$address = $_POST["to_address"];
$amount = $_POST["amount"];
$btc = $_POST["btc_amount"];
$confirmations = $_POST["confirmations"];
$txhash = $_POST["txhash"];
$block = $_POST["block"];
$sig = $_POST["signature"];
$mysig = sha1(
$address .
$amount .
$confirmations .
$txhash .
$block .
if ($mysig === $sig)
//check if number of confirmations is ok
//update order/send user notification
} else {
//log all post data, send warning email to administrator
What is that "$block "f632c83ad0f5a44d9a1XXXXXXXXXXXX"
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/closed-bitpingnet-a-bitcoin-notify-service-55923I can post the twilio php if that helps.