Any expression other than
If Bitcoin is to ever succeed, then denominating everything in BTC won't work. I mean, can you imagine how awkward it would be?
Person 1: "How much does that cost over there?"
Person 2: "Oh that? Um... Let me see. Uhh.. It's zero point zero zero zero zero five bitcoins."
Person 1: "Wow! That's cheap!"
Person 3: "Actually the store down the road is selling it for zero point zero zero zero zero zero nine bitcoins."
Person 2: "Wait... It's actually zero point zero zero zero zero zero five bitcoins. So our store is actually cheaper."
Person 1: "Oh damn! Looks like I only have zero point zero zero zero zero zero three bitcoins! Hey can I borrow zero point zero zero zero zero two bitcoins?"
Person 3: "You mean zero point zero zero zero zero zero two bitcoins right?"
Person 1: "Um... Isn't that what I just said?"
Person 1: "How much does that cost over there?"
Person 2: "Oh that? Um... Let me see. Uhh.. It's 50 bits."
Person 1: "Wow! That's cheap!"
Person 3: "Actually the store down the road is selling it for 9 bits."
Person 2: "Wait... It's actually 5 bits. So our store is actually cheaper."
Person 1: "Oh damn! Looks like I only have 3 bits! Hey can I borrow 2 bits?"
Person 3: "Sure!"