Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you a new Bitcoin game that is called... BitTournament!
Thank you.
In those days full of hate and distress, when millions of people suffering from diseases, unemployment and starvation, I thought
that another bitcoin betting website is all we need to survive. After coding hard for one week I would like to invite you to check
out the early vision of my project. I believe that BitTournament will revolutionize the concept of online gambling and cure the cancer
Here is a list of the most interesting features of BitTournament:
- It's eco-friendly. We choosed cheapest server with worst hardware specification in order to save our mother Earth.
- You are completely anonymous here. Feel free to insult everyone around, because...
- There is a live chat called Spambox! You can insult other players there, or date with them and go bowling together. Who knows,
maybe you will meet your future wife here, or husband. Gay marriages are finally legal, so take your chance!.
- It's insanely safe. Your account is protected with password. And even more, you need super top top secret key to change it!
- We know that people like suprises. On our website you will encounter a lot of surprising errors and glitches.
- We don't need to know your e-mail address. It means we won't spam you with advices how to make your penis bigger, because we
believe small is beautiful.
- It's non-racist. We don't care about your skin color, religion or sexual orientation as long as you give us profit.
- Website is wonderfully designed. The interface is not complicated because we know you are not very smart.
- You can watch other players game results on the board and laugh at their misfortune.
- Our fees are incredibly low. Our main income comes from drugs advertising.
- 24/7 offline support team that will teach you patience.
(ovation, people gone crazy)
I am glad to see your enthusiasm, thank you!
Please post your opinions and suggestions and I will ignore them for sure. Tell your friends, neighbors, and whole family about this
website. We need more players to make more profit, pay our rents and
alimonies. We also need a lot of testers to screw this website completely and give you the worst bet experience ever.
Now, get over here! -->'s all about?
On this site you can bet with other people for specified BTC amount. When you start a game you are matched with random players who made bet for the same amount. Website randomly picks the winner and pays him bet amount multipled by the number of opponents. Check out rules section for more details. You can bet for 0 BTC and test the website for free.
Website is still in development.