În data de 14.01.2003, lucratori din D.G.C.C.O.A.- Brigada Bucuresti, în baza informatiilor detinute, si a autorizatiilor de perchezitie emise de Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Bucuresti, au procedat la efectuarea unor perchezitii domiciliare la locuintele următorilor: SOVU ALEXANDRU ION, de 24 ani, din Bucuresti, sector 2; SOVU MIRCEA DAN, fratele celui mentionat mai sus, de 23 ani, din Bucuresti, sector 2, ambii asociati la o firma din Bucuresti; şi STOENESCU LILIANA MIRELA, de 32 ani, din Bucuresti, sector 6.
Cei in cauza, impreuna cu RADUT MIRCEA, de 32 ani, din Bucuresti, sector 4 si IXARI IULIA CRISTINA de 26 ani, din Bucuresti, sector 2, faceau parte dintr-o retea ce se ocupa cu savarsirea de fraude informatice prin intermediul Internet-ului.
In fapt, in perioada 2000 - 2002, fratii SOVU au lansat mai multe comenzi pe Internet, la magazine on-line din strainatate (in special, Statele Unite, Australia si Canada) pentru cumpararea unor bunuri, folosind in mod fraudulos numere de carti de credit care nu le apartineau, fara cunostinta sau autorizarea adevaratilor titulari. In urma comenzilor au sosit in Romania aproximativ 100 de colete pe numele si adresele complicilor, STOENESCU LILIANA MIRELA si RADUT MIRCEA, care pentru ridicarea acestora de la oficiile postale si de curierat, primeau in schimb de la cei doi frati sume cuprinse intre 300.000 si 1.000.000 lei, in functie de continutul coletului.
Cu ocazia efectuarii perchezitiei, la domiciliul lui SOVU MIRCEA DAN au fost descoperite aproximativ 300 cartuse de imprimanta, componente de calculator, statii emisie-receptie, aparate foto digitale, articole de imbracaminte, hamace, placi snowboard, parapante, combinezoane si costume complete pentru motociclism, inclusiv casti integrale, bocanci, manusi si veste, toate profesionale, pentru concurs. De asemenea acesta avea la domiciliul sau, in boxa situata la subsol, amenajata ca depozit, piese pentru motociclete, respectiv, tobe esapament, faruri, anvelope, placute frana etc. Toate bunurile descoperite proveneau din strainatate fiind produse ale unor firme de prestigiu.
On 01/14/2003, workers in DGCCOA-Brigade Bucharest, based on the information held, and a search warrant issued by the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal, proceeded to carry out house searches in homes following: Sovu Alexandru Ion, 24 years old from Bucharest, sector 2; Sovu Mircea Dan, the brother mentioned above, 23 years, Bucuresti, Sector 2, both associated to a company in Bucharest; and STOENESCU LILIANA bridegroom, 32 years old from Bucharest, sector 6.
Those concerned together with Mircea RADUT of 32 years, Bucharest, sector 4 and Ixari Iulia Cristina 26 years old from Bucharest, sector 2, were part of a network that deals with committing computer fraud via the Internet community.
In fact, in the period 2000 - 2002, the brothers launched Sovu more orders on the Internet at online stores abroad (in particular the United States, Australia and Canada) for the purchase of goods using fraudulent card numbers credit is not theirs, without the knowledge or authorization of the true owners. After orders have arrived in Romania about 100 parcels names and addresses accomplices, STOENESCU LILIANA bridegroom and Mircea RADUT which to raise their courier and postal offices in exchange from the brothers amounts between 300,000 and 1,000 .000 USD, depending on the contents of the package.
When conducting a search at the home of Dan Mircea Sovu were discovered approximately 300 printer cartridges, computer components, transceiver stations, digital cameras, clothing, hammocks, board snowboard, paragliding, coveralls and complete motorcycle suit including full helmets, boots, gloves and jackets, all professional contest. He also had at his home, located in the basement storage room, arranged as warehouse, motorcycle parts, namely, drums exhaust, lights, tires, disc brake pads, etc.. All items found from abroad being the products of prestigious companies.