because blackrock has to rely on a custodian and a indexer( for instance) it is more reliant on the communities maneuvers of what the community decide a future fork the community follows
blackrocks own ETF filing show it considers things like what path the core devs take and what the majority of economic nodes(services) and miners follow aswell as their custodian and price indexer..
whatever tin foil blog the OP read.. is not a blog that done any research
here is a quick 5 second bit of research that will calm the OP's paranoia
In the event of a hard fork of the Bitcoin network, the Sponsor will, as permitted by the terms of the Trust Agreement, use its sole discretion to determine, in good faith, which peer-to-peer network, among a group of incompatible forks of the Bitcoin network, is generally accepted as the Bitcoin network and should therefore be considered the appropriate network for the Trust’s purposes. The Sponsor will base its determination on whatever factors it deems relevant, including but not limited to, the Sponsor’s beliefs regarding expectations of the core developers of bitcoin, users, services, businesses, miners and other constituencies, as well as the actual continued acceptance of, mining power on, and community engagement with, the Bitcoin network, or whatever other factors it deems relevant.