Since Satoshi left the bitcointalk forum. Bitcn is governed by the Bitcoincore community and the Bitcoin minner, I feel that Bitcoin is very powerful and cannot be broken. C.W proclaimed himself Satoshi it was a hoax, no one believed it. Following my friend's bitcoin fraud allegations, I do not believe that C.W has enough dignity to continue to lead Bitcoin if he is Satoshi.
Thus ..if IMHO, CW was not such a 'megalomaniac' with low self-control...what he likely should so would be to say is that he now will promote BSV and BSH is inconsequential as an
altcoin and that he won't crush them on that irrelevant theme. As far as BTC-Core if he said that he will not try to destroy such and put a HODL on any dumping of BTC-core and let
the market work out the best Bitcoin..he would come off as frigging reasonable indeed....that would mean as the person with the MOST BTC-Core/BCH/and BSV in the world...
BTC-Core would be stable and likely go
up...BCH probably would go sideways and act more like and altcoin...and BSV would likely climb in that time period to say at least $2k to 3K.
IF he did try to take down BTC-Core in a 'burn the house down' mode of using or selling his legacy coins to do so..he might pull it off or he might just galvanize everyone to
fight him tooth and nail. It is like these people never read or saw a cartoon on how 'evil-geniuses' are supposed to triumph..sheesh...
If he does the above after a year his BSV wealth would at least double or triple...BTC-Core..hell that would likely go well past 10k just because of BTC-Core (as a store of value)
infrastructure is in place..and at
worse BCH price would go sideways...and now with little effort (than keep his mouth shut) he is probably 20% more wealthy and as I said BSV has gotten more legitimacy
and gone up 3 or 4 times its current say $350 price. And of course, it is a year gone by and he STILL has the most BTC-Core and BCH and BSV coin than any individual ..indeed
say 20% more. I mean it is frigging obvious what he should do. He also must pay his taxes on this and he must pay the Klieman Estate...hell, all he has to do is act like a
'normal' super-rich asshole and act in his own greedy self-interest with above and he would come out smelling like roses compared to his previous antics.
I doubt he can do this. He has real psychological problems IMHO if I had to say what it was it is an epic case of 'delusional megalomania'...
so hell, it likely will be the worst way to manage such a windfall and will be used in business textbooks for decades on how you can have the world's biggest dumpster fire.
Again, the push back on CW, if he does have the keys and does try to pull more epic stunts, would be massive IMHO. So my bet is on the current Bitcoin-Core super-rich
assholes working from logic to further their greed in this fight, then CW any day of the week.
(hmmm...I seem to be going through a lot of medical beers the last few days...puzzling indeed)