We all know BlackRock is one the major beneficial from the launch of bitcoin ETF on January 11. They have being attracting investment worth millions of dollars daily consistently, which under 71 days, they have gotten $15.5B in total . But there was a surprise yesterday that this big firm was unable to have any inflow, and it was recorded that BlackRock for the first time made $0 inflow on April 24.
AM not surprised for any reason because when we are making business, it's not something that we must have a particular pattern on income flow, things are bound to change, this can happen under any circumstances, they have realized enough from the past 71 days and if only just one day is what they have missed out, then i think they have not gone bad on this.
Another ETF participant Fidelity's FBTC, two weeks ago also experienced $0 inflows for three days. However Grayscale Bitcoin Trust ETF have made more outflows than other ETFs inflows put together. The record says that GBTC has made a total of more than $17B outflow, while the other bitcoin ETF have made a total of $12.3B inflow.
Does this show that GBTC is taking over the ETF market from the others. Or most people put their trust more on GBTC than the rest. Or maybe investors are now keeping their coins in their private wallet after they have bought from an exchange, waiting for the bull run. What are your thoughts on this.
https://cointelegraph.com/news/blackrock-bitcoin-etf-no-inflow-first-time-since-launchThere are times we may be challenged by some factors in what we do, while there are other times we are not, we don't have to always make comparison in some instances with others, as long as we are also moving ahead of other establishments behind us.