I was thinking how was it mined 30 minutes ago but just showing up now.
On blocktrail https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/block/0000000000000000149e57d3bb58654640746cd89aa364432a36d8db475b326c
It shows Block Time: Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 10:40:55 Arrival Time: Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 11:09:59
Did the miner mine the block but waited to broadcast it on the network?
The timestamp can be off a bit[1], it makes no sense to wait for broadcasting as this would only increase the likelyhood of someone else finding a block that also meets the target requirement. If we have two contesting blocks, yours might get orphaned, thus its important to broadcast it as soon as possible.
Yes, it takes a bit, but nowhere near 30 minutes.
The Bitcoin Protocol has encoded an allowable error of +/- in time, to a max of a
This is so since it is not possible to have different miners systems all having the correct time, every time. Some lose time and etc.
The block was found recently and is in its proper order. It is just the broadcasted time-stamp (which the miners system says) that is off.
The timestamp is an easy and fast way to manipulate the block in a way that influences the hash, thus it is often manipulated on purpose in order to find a hash that matches the target criteria.
[1] >median(last 11 blocks) and