You probably know me from some of my works such as Bitcoaster, The Bitcoin Miner or more importantly Cryptoglyphs:
More about my other work here:
Today I want to present the painting, that served as conceptual base for Cryptoglyphs.
Block creation, 2018, Acrylics on canvas, 45x35cm (17,7x13,8″)
Block creations visualizes how a new block in Bitcoin's Blockchain is created.
It starts at the bottom with pools of miners of different sizes. Their influence goes around the composition as the web of miners control (almost) all aspects of Bitcoin.
Moving clockwise we follow the procedure of block creation. I didn't go into such detail as in Cryptoglyphs, but I think it's easier to grasp the system in this abstraction of the process.
Technically, the painting is a classic Acrylics on canvas, no AI, print or other assistance was involved in the making.
Block creation with subtitles:
This painting was designed to help interpret and explain the workings of Bitcoin's Blockchain.
It was also meant to be visually stimulating so it would help evoke new ideas and concepts.
I hope you like it. Please comment and suggest improvements if you have any ideas.