I wouldn't go as far as completely hiding it, since I really like to have all the information visible (I want to know that's there, even if I don't want to send it, I want to know the address of the spammer or whatnot) but I don't want to accidentally choose it as part of a transaction by missclicking on the checkbox which would be really easy if you have tons of different inputs.
The solution would be to have a dropdown menu and an option would be "freeze input" and then it becomes gray (unclickable). Also an additional column to add notes. So it would look like this:
by "hide" i mainly meant in the basic areas such as where you see your balance or history,... where regular users go to. the "coin control" page and other options like that are considered like advanced options and it should still remain there with a note.
regarding the "notes" additional column, there is already a column called "label" which is basically the same as a comment section where you include some extra description. i don't think there is any need for a new one.