Hello All,
Let me start off by saying how fortunate I feel to be apart of this forum and the bitcoin community as a whole. This really is an exciting time to be alive. Between Bitcoin and the internet, the implications of technologies (can be) endless.
However, It is my feeling that too many somewhat lack the sense of responsibility when it comes to ensuring that this payment network becomes what it inevitably was meant to be. We have been granted the opportunity to be present at the beginning of bitcoin. Therefore, the future of our world's financial system (and the world as a whole) lies in each one of our hands.
I have an imperative proposal that I would like you all to consider with an open mind. I believe this proposal could reach consensus by the end of this year. (or as soon as people realize it's implementation is absolutely necessary, ie., huge backlog of txs.)
I believe that this proposal is very bipartisan, as it does not change anything
immediately, until such time that it's improvements to the protocol are reflected by our blockchain.
I believe that we currently do not need larger blocks, because the average block is not even over 75% full. "If its not broken don't fix it"
However, I
know that it is inevitable, as bitcoin continues to add users and liquidity, that we will need a larger block-size cap due to increased tx volume.
Therefore, my proposal is as follows:
Increase the block-size cap following a Fibonacci Sequence (1,2,3,5,8,13,
21) dynamically according to the average full-ness (95-99%) of the last X amount of blocks. ( I am looking for input on the best compromise between quick resolution and required resolution)... ?
The Fibonacci Sequence is nature's mathematical equation for growth and it has proved infallible for all of life's existence. (It's actually really interesting, I suggest looking into it and keeping an eye out for it in nature)
Other proposals suggesting the "doubling" of the block size (Bitcoin XT) after set time periods show complete disregard for both the complexity of bitcoin itself and the ability of nodes to remain capable of relaying blocks of larger size.
This idea appeals to me because it allows gradual, then geometric growth of the network instead of exponential growth, which will not remain feasible in the long run.
This BIP will allow the block-size cap to remain at 1MB until such time that it is necessary for the block-size to be increased due to a long duration of essentially full blocks in order to prevent the build-up of backlogged tx's on the blockchain. This will begin to happen when we see more than 7tx/s. Which, at the latest, will happen Q2 2016.
I hope that this gave you all some food for thought, and I look forward to reviewing questions, comments and ideas from the community.
Peace and love