Hello, and sorry to hear about this. You may have some type of malware on your computer that resulted in your funds being stolen, because your private information was somehow obtained. One of the most common types of these are browser extensions posing as bitcoin price tickers that are actually stealing your account information. There's also the possibility that you visited a phishing site posing as blockchain.info. We've also heard of computer viruses that detect when a bitcoin address is in your clipboard, and replace the one you wanted to use with an address controlled by this malicious party.
By design, Blockchain.info never has access to users' accounts or bitcoins. If you keep your password and private key backups secure, then your bitcoins are safe with blockchain.info. You can read more about how our wallet works - https://blockchain.info/wallet/how-it-works. Since this information has been compromised, be sure to never use this wallet or addresses contained within it. I'd also highly advise against using the same password again. Sorry again that you had funds stolen from you. That certainly must be an extremely frustrating experience.
This Has Happened to Me, It Is Very Similar, every time I Copy My BTC Address it Gives me another Address When I Paste it. So I also Ask To Members in This Forum Who Has knowledge Two Answer me. but The Good Thing I didn't do any Transactions Like You, It's kinda huge
The Very Best Solution is to Double Check The Site Where You Are Going to Transact and the Address you Put.
Double Checking Is The Very best Advice and Secured site and PC.