About 3 weeks ago I received a email stating that had received 4
BTC in my blockchain wallet. Boy was I thrilled. I knew that I wasn't suppose to receive such a transaction so my first thought was, HELL YEA!! Then my second thought kicked in. There's no f-ing way that I was mistakenly sent 4
BTC. I opened the email and knew it was a scam for sure, but I clicked on it anyway. It took me to what appeared to be blockchain.info but the url was blokcchain.info. Everything about the page was a exact clone of the real blockchain site. When I clicked to log into my wallet to see the 4
BTC I was rerouted to my Coinbase account and the page was requesting that I give permission for them to access my account to receive the funds. Now I'm thinking wtf. Why would it go to Coinbase and not Blockchain? It really didn't add up then. That's when I contacted blockchain about this and sent them the email.
http://imgur.com/Gs201x4Today I was on Twitter and one of the tweets I saw was "Bitcomsec and Blockchain stumbled across a phishing site" It was the same phishing site that I had reported 3 weeks ago to them. How did they stumble across it? I freakin told them about it and they didn't do nothing or even investigate it I presume. But that's the story. Maybe they need to start paying attention to peoples emails when we contact them. Might end up saving them some
BTC in the future.
Happy Mining