I am an old veteran programmer, so maybe you will throw me in the trash were I deserve to be, but I have programmed in a lot of languages, I will not list here, you won't believe me
Saying that PHP/Mysql is obsolete is wrong. 80% of the web is powered by PHP/Mysql
https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/pl-php/all/allNodeJS, Electron and all the Javascript stuff is a dying trend. They are good for doing smalls apps for a restaurant or an hotel, that staff can track on their phone. Small programs.
But it is so damn slow. I have developed with these technologies, and if you want to fill a datatable with 1000 fields, you put a Ryzen 1700 on its knee, in 2019, that's ridiculous.
I have worked on Atari and non compiled basic was running faster than Javascript on today's computers. There is a reason why Epic Games UE4 3d Engine is programmed in C/C++. You won't run a Pacman smoothly programmed in Javascript.
In the old time, people were laughing at you when you were working with an interpreter, or a byte code compiler, everything had to be coded in Assembly or in C++ and well optimized. Now everyone is using C# thinking it is quick, when it is only byte coded. On Mobile it was so slow that they had to use JIT to compile in ASM on the fly or the app would not even start.
I see young guys praising Javascript.
it make me laugh.
Trust me, if you want to learn something for a long time, reuse your experience and your code in 20 years, stick with C++ and PHP Mysql. It is not the latest fashion, but if you are a good PHP/Mysql programmer, you can go anywhere in the world and find a job.
I understand that there is a fashion in all these REST based developments, due to some mobile specifications and the fact that you can cross compile easily. But it is t temporary.
For me, I stick on what is stable, not controlled by a big greedy corporation. What I learned 30 years ago is still valid to this day.
Anyway if you need a beta tester for your tool, I will give it a shot.
Thank you for your answer, appreciated.
...which again does not mean I am satisfied with your answer.
But let us start the discussion here
First of all PHP and MySQL are out of date for today's needs.
Luke Williams made Iquidus Explorer which is nodejs/mongodb based and much faster than any PHP/SQL solution I tried. I was using that explorer for needs of BitNodes.net and host over 30 explorers of different coins
Nodejs is good but... not enough.
So now there is GoLang, which is something like nodejs but with the power of C++. My strong recommendation if you do anything with networks (web, p2p, etc)
I am not sure which info is there useless if I want to provide full 3rd party RPC for other users.
A wallet needs to be on the same machine of course and all other counts the same as for any other database. Another thing is cache which makes things even faster.
As I wrote already, I have done a lot of research, which means I am researching the last 5 years, from pythons bitcoin-abe and Jake's PHP block crawler till these days. These days cannot be PHP and MySQL as that is obsolete.
I am using a combination of GoLang for backend and Google AMP for fronted, which is again generated by GoLang. The whole thing is very fast and there is no difference was it RPC or DB. BadgerDB was used in the first place until I got this idea to parse directly from RPC. Now for the database, I use simple Scribble, which just saves .json files in folders, which if I want to give something out I just use that folder as root address for static files on that prefix. So again, I think none of the databases can be fast as is fast reading a single json file.
In next couple of days, I will set this to look nicer and put it for the test online so if you are interested you can check how fast it is even thro ADSL and even reading RPC from the not same machine. One is the router which connects to ADSL with OPNSense running and other with FreeBSD 12 which runs daemons, which are binaries compiled on Ubuntu 16. That is another thing, Ubuntu binaries run faster on FreeBSD. It's not a piece of cake to set all working but results are fascinating.
Again, thank you for your answer and move of PHP/MySQL
Write in GoPS: Sorry if I made this little bit confusing