I have message "only 0.015 available"
This is half of my amount! So fee is 0.015 BTC! This is insane!!!!!
What is recommended fee for this transation? I want to set manual fee.
Can anybody heve same experience?
This is usually as a result of having many transaction into your wallet (many inputs that are required).
If possible, you could copy the private key - download something like electrum and use thedynamic fee slider to try to reduce the transaction fee.
The 0.015BTC will be for if you want it included in the next block, if you want it included a few blocks late, you normally probably could get away with something like 0.005BTC or lower (for the transactionto take about 6 hours maximum to confirm probably).
Also, use the analyser of the blockchain network that SFR uploaded to see the exact fees needed.