Common tactic; Brand multiple industries under one name; in this instance the Blockchain, and make it sound like the Blockchain is inherently insecure trying to influence the market. I understand clickbait gets traffic, but its one of the reasons I tend to avoid the news as much as possible these days.
Blockchain industry? is there even such a thing?
Money lost? Is there even a loss when coins change hands? When you unlawfully take a coin from one user you don't make the industry lose money. You make the user lose money, but you are another user who gains money. Everything remains in balance.
I feel like OP is saying that car industry has lost money due to privately owned cars being stolen. The industry doesn't care if a thief steals a car somewhere. The car will be sold on the market and someone else will keep on driving it.
Not really, unless you classify anything that uses a "Blockchain" which would be a huge market. This would involve games, gambling sites, exchanges, basically everything including alternate coins.
Its not a loss for the currency, and therefore the majority are unaffected, except for temporary changes in the price due to the news impact. Although, I do get your point with the car industry example, I would argue that we should care if there are large amounts of thefts happening within the cryptocurrency market. Although, I would like to add that Bitcoin; has much less thefts than traditional currencies, even if you compare it on a ratio basis. This might be due to the "infancy" of Bitcoin, but its quite apparent that the alternate coins industry is far more vulnerable to shady practices, even from the developers themselves.