I got woke up at 4 am for this.
- Bad Grammar
- Confused istructions
- Using legit stuff like blockchain doesn't make it real.
- Asks you basic questions to check your geekiness on the argument to know if you can spot the scam
After this, I already was brainstorming(even if I just woke up) and the only conclusion I did ended up to was:
If I was a scammer using this, I would just do this.
- See if I can create with victim's email an account
- I'll give him the login to make it look legit.
All Legit right? until that spot, there is nothing he could do, like attach a miner to your email?!?
But wait, If I was smart "enough" to outsmart my victim, I would do a simple thing before releasing the the data that I totally control to my victim.
- Adding some security that later on will lead me to have back the account, no matter what
- I will create the secret phrase backup on the spot.
Common newbie won't be able to spot the difference or understand the importance of that. This is when the newbie that got fished for the money.
This is the trick I imagined: I will just let him think I backed up something(if newbie asks questions about that) I will just create a fake list or even one word different to my victim.
Now, my suggestion is, if it's too magically good to be true, ask yourself questions about it. and don't fall for that guy.