it can mean a service
bitpay is a blockchain project
trezor is a blockchain project
merchant tools and data analyst tools to visualise blockchain data is a blockchain project
asic manufactoring is a blockchain project
smart contracts is a blockchain project
retail support to accept crypto is a blockchain project
conference organising for cryptocurrncy meetups is a blockchain project
blockchain consulting
clothing manufacturing featuring crypto memes/logo's is a blockchain project
there is much much more to it than just making an altcoin
So does cryptocurrency projects and blockchain projects have different development infrastructures?
Can not any blockchain project be used as cryptocurrency? Technically this is not possible?
Are the infrastructure already determined when developing?
For example, can a blockchain project developed for copyrights be used as cryptocurrency?
Can a project developed as cryptocurrency be converted into a different blockchain project?
think of blockchain as the DNA of this whole new industry
crypto currency is a sub category/product of blockchain
emphasising on the 'currency' part.. this mean altcoins.. but even further into the sub category.. even if you want to do an altcoin/cryptocurrency project. it does not mean you are simply tied to only making the new altcoin..
you can make a business selling hardware wallets that communicate with the altcoin node. you can sell t-shirts and gear to advertise your altcoin you can sell specialised ASICS that mine whatever algo the altcoin uses..
there are many things you can do.
now going back up to the umbrella term blockchain.
a blockchain is not limited to 'coins' it can be used for DNS services, identity, product locating, system automation, smart contracts
there is a very very large multitude of industries that can be set up and do absolutely different things from each other and still be doing 'blockchain projects'
its a whole new industry division.
project managers, developers, consultants, conference organisers, PR, manufacturing, advertising, auditors, accounting, product testing, lots and lots of different roles can emerge from it all