Absolutely brilliant. The rescan worked and the transaction showed up. I was initially confused by the fact that the missing transaction was essentially the same as the transaction sent to the change address.
Excellent... glad you managed to get it showing up properly! Always concerning when unexpected things happen
The fact that neither the sending or receiving addresses in the Bitcoin Core interface didn't show the new change address was also confusing and a little scary (I thought for a while that my wallet had randomly sent funds to someone else's address!!), but everything seems to be there and working as it should now.
Yes, Bitcoin Core likes to keep "change" addresses hidden from view... they're almost completely internal to the application and not easy to see. They won't show in the "Sending Addresses" nor "Receiving Addresses".
The only place I've seen them within the application is if you enable coin control and then click the "Inputs" button on the send tab... Also, if you use the
getaddressinfo command, the "ischange" value will be true.
And of course if you use the
dumpwallet command (not recommended as it risks exposing private keys etc), you can identify them based on the "hdkeypath" (should be m/0'/
1'/...) and once "used", will change from reserve=1 to change=1)