All (or almost all) HD wallets use the same standard for getting keys from the seed phrase. They are not necessarily wallet specific, except in certain cases where a wallet developer decides to be different.
You'd be surprised!
Having messed around with MultiBit HD, Electrum,, Exodus and others... whilst they all use "BIP32" as the method for implementing their HD wallets... they all seem to use different "Derivation Paths" (and in Electrum's case, a completely non-BIP32 method for calculating checksums)...
MultiBit HD uses: m/0'/0
Exodus uses: m/44'/0'/0'/0 used to use: m/44'/0'/0' but now uses m/44'/0'/0'/0
Bitcoin Core uses: m/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
It's a real mess
Having said all that... Electrum allows you to import any BIP39 seed AND specify the Derivation Path... so you can in fact import the seed into Electrum and have it work. You just need to make sure you use the right Derivation Path when prompted, which should be the default of