When I'm using
https://blockchain.info/api/api_receiveand input my Receiving Address and Callback URL, after pressing "Fire Test Callback" I'm receiving callback.
When I'm writing my Callback URL in "Check Callback Response Log" and trying to send callback there is error:
"Error Input String May Contain HTML".
I thought it's not nessecary and generated payment address in my site using their api. I used all as in example. I paid 2 transactions:
https://blockchain.info/tx/3053d732c0c2f039db2c285fabdd5b8e39709d6256ea76b7275bc63d1a63be55https://blockchain.info/tx/45ec621336205150e893443e13d73fdc7944c5a6604fd51ef44d5627d0cfe65dAnd I still don't recieved them, and don't get any callbacks.
What can be wrong with this api? Is it works properly or I'm just wasting my time and my money?
Code that I used to make payment address:
$partner = $_POST['partner'];
$itemType = $_POST['itemType'];
$itemsCount = $_POST['itemsCount'];
$USDPrice = $_POST['USDPrice'];
$USDPriceWithFee = round($USDPrice * 100 * 105 / 10000, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$BitCoinPrice = round(file_get_contents("https://blockchain.info/tobtc?currency=USD&value=" . $USDPriceWithFee),5,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) + 0.00001;
$needToPayInBTC = sprintf('%f', $BitCoinPrice);
$my_address = '18XuXWHA8BF6uLhwXDHqkWx6PPAKQC9Joh';
$my_callback_url = 'http://my-site.com/BTC.php?partner='.$partner; // my site have "-" in name if it important
$root_url = 'https://blockchain.info/api/receive';
$parameters = 'method=create&address=' . $my_address .'&callback='. urlencode($my_callback_url);
$response = file_get_contents($root_url . '?' . $parameters);
$object = json_decode($response);
echo 'Chosen item: ' . $itemType ."
echo 'Items count: ' . $itemsCount ."
echo 'Need to pay (BTC): ' . $needToPayInBTC ."
echo 'If all correct send payment to: ' . $object->input_address;