I don't know what exactly you wanted to tell us.. Do still had the access to your account? If yes you can be still send your bitcoin to other wallet..
Or you are having in verification?
just reply to me and let me try to help you to get your wallet back. .
In case just contact first the blockchain info about your broken wallet there are lots of blockchain users are having some bugs and glitches about their site that i think more people are use their wallet that is why they are having some bugs and glitches the only thing that can help are the supports of blockchain but we will try to trouble shoot what is exactly you wanted to tell us about your wallet..
thx for you reply!
You can get you payload easy from response to any login request (actually it is the encrypted wallet and some info. if browser successfully decrypt it, you pass to account), also I have found special util "btcrecovery" that's provide getting the same payload.
No we have no access unfortunately. We have all (mail/sms/password), but we have no seed...and access
And yes, we are going to contact support. But people write that it is almost useless, as they have 100m users, and disclaim responsibility for any password problems. Is it wrong information?