Also, you shouldn't blindly use the fees recommended by; Instead, I prefer to use this website[1].
Yesterday, while Earn was suggesting ~400 sat/byte fees, I saw that there transactions of 100 were getting cleared, so I sent a tx with a fee of 180 sat/byte and it got confirmed in fucking 21 seconds (the next block). P.S: I could have used an even lower fee but I was in a hurry and didn't want to risk it.
I thought they are supporting it already even without notice. Transactions were cleared for now and the number of unconfirmed transactions as per were down to 132k transactions and that was a great thing. And with your TX, it's good to know that it was confirmed for just 21 seconds. It's like an offer to a TV shopping though that was very quick. I haven't checked out that [1] you gave but we'll look at it.