does anyone know if it is possible to put an rpc call to search by address in Block_Crawler?
He put a block on lots of calls.
If it is, I guess I would need to put something in block_crawler.php to reflect the new feature.
Big ask of you, so apologies.
forbids things, but I want to make it so transactions would show by address (more user friendly)
// Enable the wallet
require_once ("bc_daemon.php");
// A check for no request
if (!isset ($_REQUEST["request"]) || $_REQUEST["request"] == "")
bcapi_error (0, "No Request");
// URL formatting is stripped from the request
$request = urldecode ($_REQUEST["request"]);
// The request is split in case anyone tries to send a multi-parameter
// request to the API, any parameters after method will be ignored
$request = explode (" ", $request);
// These are security checks to ensure that no one uses the API
// to request balance data or mess up the wallet.
if ($request[0] == "getbalance")
bcapi_error (1, "Method Not Permitted: getbalance");
if ($request[0] == "listaccounts")
bcapi_error (2, "Method Not Permitted: listaccounts");
if ($request[0] == "listtransactions")
bcapi_error (3, "Method Not Permitted: listtransactions");
if ($request[0] == "keypoolrefill")
bcapi_error (4, "Method Not Permitted: keypoolrefill");
if ($request[0] == "getpeerinfo")
bcapi_error (5, "Method Not Permitted: getpeerinfo");
if ($request[0] == "listreceivedbyaddress")
bcapi_error (7, "Method Not Permitted: listreceivedbyaddress");
// Check to stop remote users from killing the daemon via API
if ($request[0] == "stop")
bcapi_error (6, "Method Not Permitted: stop");
// The first word of the request is passed to the daemon as a
// JSON-RPC method
$query["method"] = $request[0];
// The data is fetched from the wallet
$result = wallet_fetch ($query);
// The wallet fetch routine has removed the JSON formatting for
// internal use. The JSON format is re-applied for the the feed
print_r (json_encode ($result));
// That's it.
// this function is here to generate repetitive error messages
function bcapi_error ($code, $message)
$error["code"] = $code;
$error["message"] = $message;
print_r (json_encode($error));
hi rikkejohn!
parsing through the chain to get all tx which are related to a public key like you wanna do
needs a load of resources and s gonna take some time.... (a lil longer than syncing the chain)
my tip: you gotta adapt the blockcrawler to use a database and save all blockinfos initially. So when
you search for addresses (public-keys) it will be fast and won't affect your
system resources like it would do with your initial method..
you can also drop me a PM if you have further questions.