And since this reason that you came up with was indeed factually incorrect, I thought that you would simply leave the conversation.
Of course, if by "heavy" utilization, you are referring to Visa scale transaction levels, then even though this free app can handle these loads, they can't handle them right now anyway. So, the scalability will grow with adoption was a basic assumption from the start.
In other words, scalability is not an obstacle to adoption here, and neither is transaction speed, or price volatility, so that just leaves.....................
this is where you say one thing that you think will keep a merchant from thinking that this free app that allows them to grow their customer base is NOTworth the capital expense of zero money...............
Since you are Legendary for posting mega frequently, I'm sure that youe silence will mean that you cannot fathom one possible reason why most merchants would turn down this FREE app.
This is BitShares posts get buried (because nobody can think of obstacles to heavy adoption besides the legwork of downloading the app for the merchant and training them to use it (which would net you a fat percentage of all their future transactions with this business model) (whaaaa?)
Did you know about that Mr Legen....dary?
It'd be easier for me to write out a list of reasons FOR why people should use the app. I don't know why you're so hostile. I am a pretty decent-sized investor in the crypto realm, have helped with (and still do) numerous projects, and I've been around a long time, but I'm not delusional. I know its limits. There are still many hurdles to cross, and it's something I, unlike most people around here, work to help achieve.