
Topic: Blocks Corrupted in Wallet (Read 1383 times)

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 02:26:21 PM
Do you have the private key?

I would suggest using an electrum wallet like Multibit so that you don't need to download the entire blockchain.

The wallet is encrypted is that what you mean?
Can I safely backup a Multibit wallet ? 

I'm referring to your addresses Private keys - You should be able to import them to Multibit, assuming you have them.

You should be able to back it up - I've never personally used Multibit, but I'll look around for you.

Thanks if you see my next post I am completely confused now.  Running but confused.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 02:05:08 PM
So I guess I am confused. I re-downloaded the entire block chain pointing to an external.  It worked fine.  So I bought a dedicated external and re-did it again it was done on seconds. So the external has the wallet and takes no space.  The block chain seems to be under
The ..user/appdata/roaming on the PC. 

So I can't figure out where the issue with the disk is, as now it's fine.  Wallet on external few megs the rest on my PC 23gigs.  And I still have 50 gigs.

Thanks for all your help I seem to be up and running any clues to why or how I would appreciate.  If my SSD is corrupted why is it working maybe a surface pro 2 limitation?

Activity: 1628
Merit: 1012
July 25, 2014, 08:20:41 AM
Do you have the private key?

I would suggest using an electrum wallet like Multibit so that you don't need to download the entire blockchain.

The wallet is encrypted is that what you mean?
Can I safely backup a Multibit wallet ? 

I'm referring to your addresses Private keys - You should be able to import them to Multibit, assuming you have them.

You should be able to back it up - I've never personally used Multibit, but I'll look around for you.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
July 25, 2014, 07:44:45 AM
Sounds like your hardware is failing. Get a new hard drive and I recommend at least 50G space for the blockchain as there are no truncation options nearing completion in the next 12 months so you will need the space. 50G from a stock standard 2TB drive is not much, heck, a lot of decent games come close to that amount.

Yep. You can get a new SSD just for Bitcoin, or get something like a huge 2TB HDD, which will be more than enough.
As I and Cranky said, your drive is definitely failing, otherwise stuff wouldn't get corrupted randomly.

Can I do an external USB drive?

If you have a USB 3 port in your computer then 64 GB or 128 GB USB 3 memory stick should be large and fast enough. In fact it is also possible to install the bitcoin client into same stick:
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 07:01:43 AM
Sounds like your hardware is failing. Get a new hard drive and I recommend at least 50G space for the blockchain as there are no truncation options nearing completion in the next 12 months so you will need the space. 50G from a stock standard 2TB drive is not much, heck, a lot of decent games come close to that amount.

Yep. You can get a new SSD just for Bitcoin, or get something like a huge 2TB HDD, which will be more than enough.
As I and Cranky said, your drive is definitely failing, otherwise stuff wouldn't get corrupted randomly.

Trying on a big external my only hope.  Thanks
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 06:40:37 AM
Sounds like your hardware is failing. Get a new hard drive and I recommend at least 50G space for the blockchain as there are no truncation options nearing completion in the next 12 months so you will need the space. 50G from a stock standard 2TB drive is not much, heck, a lot of decent games come close to that amount.

My internal is SSD and not replaceable, I'll try external.  Must be a space issue, I hope.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 06:29:51 AM
Do you have the private key?

I would suggest using an electrum wallet like Multibit so that you don't need to download the entire blockchain.

The wallet is encrypted is that what you mean?
Can I safely backup a Multibit wallet ? 
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 06:20:56 AM
Sounds like your hardware is failing. Get a new hard drive and I recommend at least 50G space for the blockchain as there are no truncation options nearing completion in the next 12 months so you will need the space. 50G from a stock standard 2TB drive is not much, heck, a lot of decent games come close to that amount.

Yep. You can get a new SSD just for Bitcoin, or get something like a huge 2TB HDD, which will be more than enough.
As I and Cranky said, your drive is definitely failing, otherwise stuff wouldn't get corrupted randomly.

Can I do an external USB drive?
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 25, 2014, 06:11:40 AM
I am running on a SSD on a surface pro 2 so I cannot replace it.  I think the drive is ok.  Tried to re-load the entire bit core got to 12 weeks before the I/O error showed up.  My luck its all running good till I need it for a payment.  I'll need to try an external drive I guess. I have over 50G free.  Off to buy more stuff Sad
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
July 25, 2014, 01:37:16 AM
Sounds like your hardware is failing. Get a new hard drive and I recommend at least 50G space for the blockchain as there are no truncation options nearing completion in the next 12 months so you will need the space. 50G from a stock standard 2TB drive is not much, heck, a lot of decent games come close to that amount.

Yep. You can get a new SSD just for Bitcoin, or get something like a huge 2TB HDD, which will be more than enough.
As I and Cranky said, your drive is definitely failing, otherwise stuff wouldn't get corrupted randomly.
hero member
Activity: 810
Merit: 1000
July 25, 2014, 12:11:07 AM
Sounds like your hardware is failing. Get a new hard drive and I recommend at least 50G space for the blockchain as there are no truncation options nearing completion in the next 12 months so you will need the space. 50G from a stock standard 2TB drive is not much, heck, a lot of decent games come close to that amount.
Activity: 1628
Merit: 1012
July 24, 2014, 11:23:43 PM
Do you have the private key?

I would suggest using an electrum wallet like Multibit so that you don't need to download the entire blockchain.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 24, 2014, 06:54:28 PM
I do, made it to five weeks and crashed with I/O error again.  Used the wallet just the day it broke then all of a sudden I relaunched it and I can't sync do to this error.  Well i'll try again, I have my wallet.dat backed up, thanks.
Activity: 4256
Merit: 1313
July 24, 2014, 10:57:04 AM
And make sure you have at least one wallet.dat backup
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 24, 2014, 08:03:22 AM
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1199
July 24, 2014, 07:19:16 AM
Thanks, any idea how big the block chain is?  I freed up space (had 9 gigs).  Trying again.

Blockchain at the moment need ~21GB.

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 24, 2014, 06:23:13 AM
Thanks, any idea how big the block chain is?  I freed up space (had 9 gigs).  Trying again.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
July 23, 2014, 09:06:50 PM
Possibly because your hard drive is failing and files are getting corrupt.
Redownload Bitcoin Core, it works for me. Or do rescan or reindex.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
July 23, 2014, 07:17:56 PM
Opened my Bitcoin wallet, got an error message that the chain was corrupt. Tried to fix and each time toward the end it havan I/O error.  When I got to none of the buttons work to download a new wallet. Any clues why this happened just a few days before everything was ok.
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