I have seen some bonus and offers for pre sales of a project named coinRexx and i did some research and couldn't find anything unique about this project but it was marketed as audited by BlockSafu which made me but suspicious as I haven't heard much about BlockSafu and then when I researched about BlockSafu I didn't get satisfactory outcome hence just wanted to check if you have any idea about BlockSafu because it looks like a shady auditing firm to me, I may be wrong hence checking with you all.
Quick look, and it might not be a scam, but it's shady in many ways. And i wouldn't take their automated audit as an any kind of confirmation of legitimacy. It's more of a tool, i am guessing it's part of services for justifying their own token.
None of their own team want to reveal themselves. Yet they are they are performing kyc services. And their "whitepaper" leaves out a lot. For example it doesn't even mention any ToS or gpdr measures about the kyc, so am certain they don't wouldn't how kyc procedure goes from the side of financial services.
Web page has only disclaimer, which if they think is enough, makes me think that they don't know what they are doing. I am wondering if this is a side operation of pink sheet as they are partnered with it. As any sensible company would stay away from something as ambiguous like this.