Hello everyone, I invite you to enjoy mining and trading this new digital currency designed and released to the public with the spirit of research and development in the field of cryptocurrencies and their applications in Linux desktop environments.
BBOX is a coin that is launched on the market completely
without any premines and simply with approximately 50 mined blocks to test its operation.It can be mined through its scrypt algorithm in POW and POS modes and offers you some interesting rewards.
Coin name BLUEBOX
Scrypt Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake
Coin abbreviation BBOX
RPC port 25399
P2P port 25400
Block reward 50 coins
Block time 1 min
Block reward (PoS) 50 coins
Last PoW block block 10000000
Min. stake age 20 hours
Max. stake age Unlimited
Coinbase maturity 20 blocks
Transaction confirmations 20 blocks
We are integrating this development into our personal manufactured linux distribution, which has been designed for the easy use of linux for new users migrating from windows and somehow scared of the changes. Our distribution is safe, fast and easy to use, in addition to being equipped with a large number of programs such as UGET-BITTORRENT-CHROMIUM-SYNAPTIC occupying a size less than one GB. During the first week of december 2020, Bluebox flavors releases will be available at sourceforge, with our wallet and a miner included by default. Right now the version available is the MINI version.
Our first steps will be the launch and public test of our blockchain and the enabling of pools for miners who want to start mining BBOX. Next, we will prepare the graphic announcement of our distribution and releases, our website and social networks, and exchanges for BBOX. We ask for your patience and cooperation in these first moments.
The code and windows wallet have been uploaded to sourceforge and are available for download, and are enough material for pool operators to add the currency. We are preparing the upload to github of the distribution and the currency, the link will be announced next together with the block explorer. Meanwhile we can use the simple block explorer of the mining pools.
coming soon
coming soon
Thank you all in advance for the collaboration and support, if you want to invite a coffee or collaborate in the development expenses here is my bitcoin address, thank you! 31tVgqZGYWALWmzHm2AFu2KW1bG6KCjhY4