Over a month ago, about 250 girls were kidnapped from a Nigerian school and taken to a remote area, all in the name of Islam. Their stance is that western education should not be allowed. Since then videos have been released and one showing the killing of a woman.
What are thoughts on Boko Haram?
Did you know that before the 250 girls were kidnapped, about 25 young boys were killed by having their throats slit? That is how dangerous this militant group is. The Nigerian govt has not been as proactive as the world expected them to.
However, Boko Haram is a radical Islamic group and as such, the religion itself cannot be blamed.
By the way, before a country rushes to the aid of another country, they first ask themselves how will it serve them? It is sad but true. Countries don’t just simply help other countries out of the goodness of their hearts. They often have vested interests in that country for example oil, investments etc..
Yes you are right.. None of the countries step up to help without any self interests.. Moreover, when the concerned country is one like Nigeria, plagued by black, people just tend to ignore and move on.. Hypoctite modern people of this world!!
Actually, I read an article once about how the Nigerians saying that interference from western powers will only make the situation worst.
The parents of the captured students even begged Americans to stop spreading the hashtag #freeourgirls or pressure the us government into interfering in this delicate situation because it only harms the hostages.
This is because if the terrorist group believes that the Americans are going to invade and attack them, they will get rid of the hostages by killing them or sell them off to destroy evidence and eye witnesses. After that, they can easily go back into society and pretend to be normal Nigerians.
Plus you are also giving terrorists groups like Boko Haram a FREE and very effective platform to spread their message to the whole world which is exactly what they want. This will only encourage other terrorist groups to commit more terrorism to get in the spotlight.
And let's face it. Terrorist groups like Boko Haram doesn't give a shit about the bad things a bunch of Americans are saying about them on Twitter. In fact, the more you hate them, the more they love it. Because they already hate you.